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Everything posted by Silver

  1. 180k for torkoal?
  2. Hello i won this can i claim my prize? @Manbat
  3. Any devs for an update?
  4. ill start but fix your photo please
  5. Hello, This was supposed to be in the game years ago, it's been on the Dev's to do list for the longest time as well and to my surprise the auction house button was removed all together. this function is a necessity in any poke MMO and i believe that i speak for a lot of the member base that this is LONG OVER DUE. we are sick and tired from the toxicity in game and this eliminates this. Thank you Regards, Silver
  6. Contact Details: - Silver Server IGN: Silver Hello, * Please post your offer here or in game for the best chance to get them. * Prices are negotiable, just be reasonable. (prices are listed under the pokemon) * i accept Pokedollars, CCs (350k), RR (650k) * Fake offering will result in me reporting you. * Please leave your contact info when bidding (ign or discord). More will be added soon. Shiny Event
  7. Would you take 5m for it?
  8. Do you have a price on chandelure?
  9. Would you accept a 10m bid as a start?
  10. it's 950k not 500k so i will refuse you offer, thank you.
  11. i think there is a price next to it is there not?
  12. bump lmk when you're online.
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