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Everything posted by Isildurr2x

  1. +100
  2. that sucks man. terrible feeling. you can have my shiny pidgeot, if you want, if you're on gold. I caught it from ev zone a long time ago
  3. Is it 500k to start all or each?
  4. Start
  5. Thank you, also which ball used to catch?
  6. hi i have a few pokes for both ev+exp, ill try you on discord
  7. .
  8. I'll be in game in a few minutes
  9. He is in random places each time you re try it. He was behind a pink tree for me. If you look carefully you will be able to see the top of his head
  10. Same here. Tried for almost one hour to find growli but always fail. Any help would be appreciated
  11. 3-5m
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