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Everything posted by Isildurr2x

  1. 1 of 1 Black Panther suit up for sale. *Only 1 in the game* Buy it now price - 5cc or 2.1m
  2. hi, i have larvesta hp ice, and volcarona hp ground both are in easter form write me on discord isildurr2x #5660
  3. i pay 100k tailow , how much steelix?
  4. @Hawluchaa thank you very much, much much appreciated
  5. If I win the infernape I'll have to request mods to transfer it because I don't have free transfer anymore and don't want to spend a cc. Thanks
  6. I just did respond to you wtf
  7. @Hawluchaa , I saw the 2.1m bid and transferred to silver to hunt outbreak pokemon. Now diana420 is implying that I made a fresh account because it was convenient for me.... I was actually bidding on this pokemon for my friend in silver, (I would buy and he will pay me back in silver) I have the discord conversation to prove it up to the 2.1m bid. Is there anyway you can prove that it wasn't me who made the 2.1m bid? Or do I have to live with this accusation?
  8. Okay thank you, I will wait then
  9. (IF I win of course)
  10. Hi, couple of questions.. How much time remaining? Are u able to go to silver server? I am in gold now but I want to go to silver for this new outbreak pokemon, I will wait for your response , thank you
  11. Oh I see, okay thanks so much for the fast reply!!
  12. Cc price going up makes sense to me... Alot more players now which means more demand for it... I have only been in the game for last 10 months but I heard there was a time cc was going for 800k-1m... And for the MS increasing shiny chance.. please no , -1 I understand people do not have the time to farm for days or weeks at a time for a chance to find a specific shiny, but if chances are made higher then it wouldnt mean anything when you find that rare shiny because alot of people have them now... Pro is a long term game imo where people have their own personal goals
  13. Hi, looking to sell my EASTER theme Togekiss collection on auction Bidding on 5 pokes together Starting price 7.5m Minimum raise 100k Accept cc at 400k each Auction time - 72 hours from first bid Green and brown Togekiss Light blue and blue Togekiss White Togekiss Light pink and pink Togekiss Dark brown and brown Togekiss ALL WILL BE SOLD TOGETHER. thank you Thank you for checking out the auction. Good luck
  14. Need ev and some level up and dex
  15. Okay sounds good to me, thanks again for being so fast!! @Haruyukio best
  16. Hello, just few hours ago a trade mod helped me get my pokes back from inactive day care service. All pokes were returned but one is showing as a lend poke in chats. I will attach a screenshot , thank you in advance.
  17. Hi i would like level up service for 5-8 pokes let me know when u can accept
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