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Everything posted by Unknown007

  1. Try to contact a content scripter staff on the live chat when you are online.
  2. Please read this: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=58485 The boss checker is not reliable until the 2nd time you talk to him after that update.
  3. Do you remember when was the last time you battled them?
  4. As soon as you speak to him, any additional game hours will add to the Hoenn hours, regardless of the region you play in. I will close the thread now.
  5. You probably started Hoenn when there was a bug in Prof Birch's script, and since you didn't talk to him since then, it remained 'bugged'. Yours should be fine. See this thread.
  6. Noted, we'll edit the dialogue within 24 hours to make it more explicit :)
  7. Re: Time spent in hoenn - Professor Birth <r><QUOTE author="Luiiic"><s> </e></QUOTE> Do you remember when you started Hoenn?<br/> <br/> This timer begins counting as from the moment you started playing in Hoenn, and not the amount of time actually spent in the Hoenn region.<br/> <br/> Is the timer still wrong even after I tell you this?</r>
  8. If that's the last thing you did, then you are not done with the quest.
  9. Will need more details. What server do you play on? What was the last thing you did to complete the quest?
  10. Sorry, as much as we appreciate your suggestion, the content team is already busy with a lot of things, so this will have to pass. Also next time you make a suggestion, please make sure you have read the suggestion guidelines and especially if it is something not many people will know, give as much detail as possible. I personally have never heard of Honey Island before seeing your post and a quick google lead to a place in Louisiana, and as far as I know, no mapper knows the place. Thread locked.
  11. -Moved to proper location- These guards don't guard the Dragon's Shrine. You are not interacting with the correct NPCs. Not a bug. Thread closed.
  12. Yup, it's just as zonamarelarap said. The Red at Mt. Silver summit is in many ways similar to Red in the other parts of Kanto; meaning regardless of the battle outcome, you cannot battle him again. With battling him however, you can access to more areas to explore. Try taking the train in Goldenrod City or Saffron City :) Thread locked.
  13. Hm, guess there was some lag or something. But it's fixed right now.
  14. Location?
  15. Where and when did you take that screenshot please? I fixed these some 10 hours ago.
  16. I just checked and it looks like you already completed the quest on that island. Are you still stuck or?
  17. Hello An1ma, It's exactly as Guanxi said. Consecutive wins will only start counting as from the date it was implemented, because otherwise the game has no records of your previous wins. Not a bug, so closing.
  18. Tutor and TM moves are different things. Blastoise cannot learn Dark Pulse via a tutor, it needs the TM.
  19. Correct. The PC in PRO does not restore the Pokemon that go in there, and thus is no bug :)
  20. Apologies for the delayed response. From what I can see however, it looks like you found the Secret Potion and the HM Cut. Closing the thread as resolved.
  21. Nothing wrong with that. Different games had the level the Pokemon learn their moves, different. See how Roselia learns Petal Dance at Lv 40 in Gen 4 and BW, at Lv 50 in ORAS, at Lv37 in XY and BW2? It means that Roselia's level up moves in PRO were either based on Gen 4 or Black/White games.
  22. I just checked your game and there's nothing wrong. You need to follow the quest properly. It appears that your next step would be to go to the kitchen and talk to Doctor Neumann.
  23. PVP Coin Master edited so that: - items are now sorted from cheapest to most expensive, so it's quicker to get the consumables/common items - you can buy items that are below 6 coins in bulk, i.e. 1, 5, 10, 20, or use all your coins (which includes focus sash and weakness policy)
  24. This has been fixed. Thanks :)
  25. I have changed the script a bit. Changes are as follows: - items are now sorted from cheapest to most expensive, so it's quicker to get the consumables/common items - you can buy items that are below 6 coins in bulk, i.e. 1, 5, 10, 20, or use all your coins (which includes focus sash and weakness policy)
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