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Everything posted by Unknown007

  1. This is not a number... I will be around for the next couple hours after 1 hour. Ping me if you come to the live chat
  2. When will you be online? Include the timezone please.
  3. No that's not possible. When will you be online? Include the timezone please.
  4. Ok I changed a few things. Could you go to the room of Groudon again? Sorry for the late reply. I did not have internet the past few days.
  5. The timer that gives you the cooldown and the one that is the actual cooldown are not currently the same. I don't know exactly why it is like this, but once the actual cooldown is over, you should be able to battle him.
  6. It did not work, I showed it to a gm he said he has no tools to help me When it defeats the last npc of the cave team magma automatically adds the npc that is in front of the tunnel of aqua team, but as it bugou and did not register that I defeated the npc of the cave of the team magma, the npc continues in front of the tunel of team aqua Can you come on the live chat? Can you go there again and see if that works now? You need to pass through the door of the cave.
  7. Get to talk to a GM and he will move to a script that will try to solve it, thanks for the attention Do you know the script of this game? I was already supposed to have contacted him Did it not work when I told you to go there the other day and that it should be fixed at that time?
  8. Well, it is not true. My CD on Arnie expired 3 days ago and I still can't fight him. So it's over 2 weeks now and I still see the message that there is 0 hours till next battle. It is bugged as well as other consecutive-rewarded bosses probably. Thor edited the script of all bosses recently, so the cooldown timer would start again from 0 from that day. So you have to wait for the full cooldown as from the edit date.
  9. This is a consequence of having fixed the bug where players could battle bosses without cooldowns. I will leave the gory details out and will just say that the timers giving the amount of time left should work once the cooldown effectively expires. :)
  10. The issue is being dealt with, so you can all go back to collecting and training your Pokemon :) We cannot unfortunately guarantee the future of PRO, since the activities of Nintendo and their affiliates are completely out of our control, but we have taken all the possible dispositions to stay out of their radar. It has been so for more than a year now and the game is still here, right? :Smile: Have a good one, and don't let the trolls spoil your day.
  11. Let me know the time. Thursday is good.
  12. Yes, it's an unfixed bug from the client. Scripters cannot fix it, only the dev can. I believe it works like this: when you talk to the NPC, the client looks for all the egg moves from the selected pokemon. It fetches each move one at a time and if there is a move it believes was selected already, it skips it. Since 'Spore' is a substring of 'Stun Spore', the client believes it already has that move and skips it. If now the Pokemon already knows Stun Spore, the client will not put Stun Spore in its egg moves list, so Spore gets to appear.
  13. May I know who exactly said that? I just checked the actual scripts behind Archie and Maxie and I can affirm that there is no time requirements to battle them. The bosses that have a time constraint do so based on total played time.
  14. The guard wants water btw, so it should be Fresh Water :Grin:
  15. Re: NPC Dialogue Errors [NOT NPC BUGS] <t>Ok, what does he say when you talk to him?<br/> <br/> *Posts moved. The issue is not about dialogue errors but bug caused by crash.*</t>
  16. Well I have a full Hoenn dex, Kyogre and Groudon are only from Maxie and Archie and you need >100 or 120 hours to fight them. Should be prove enough shouldn't it? EDIT: anyway here's the screenshot for Kyogre and Groudon Sorry, but that's not how it works. Players can well borrow pokemon from others and complete Hoenn (and the dex) in less than a couple hours easily. Bosses in Hoenn are also based on total game time and not on Hoenn game time so...
  17. Ok, there might have been a change sometime and looks like it might have reset your play times. Unfortunately there's no way to prove how many hours in Hoenn you actually have and as much as I'd like to change your Hoenn time guys, I can't do it without proper basis. :( I am very sorry for the inconvenience.
  18. Can you put give a screenshot of where the prof says you have 0 hours in hoenn?
  19. @ThePokeMaestro: Quote the user you want to reply, that sends a notification to them unless they already bookmarked the thread :)
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