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Everything posted by Bigdanny

  1. b.o 350k by lkfo415579 in 24hrs bo 250k by Uguu03 in 24hrs :Smile:
  2. Re: WTB timid eevee, iron fist timburr <r><QUOTE author="Eldra"><s> </e></QUOTE> speed 25+<br/> <br/> spatk 20+<br/> <br/> def ,spdef ,hp 15+</r>
  3. here, the proof :Angel: when i use confuse ray, it has priority but when i use baton pass, it has no priority Prankster increases the priority of status moves by +1. And baton pass is not a status move, that's why. "Non-damaging moves have their priority increased by one level" no only status move has priority but moves like rain dance, baton pass, sunny day and etc.
  4. Would be really nice if you can provide some proof and same goes to every other bug report, so it would be easy for us. here, the proof :Angel: when i use confuse ray, it has priority but when i use baton pass, it has no priority
  5. hello Singham, i found a new bug i tested it many times baton pass has no priority on prankster :Frown:
  6. Re: Wts Epic Breloom Jolly H.A <t>700k for breloom</t>
  7. WTB 1. good timid eevee or jolteon with baton pass 2. h.a adamant timburr 3. modest riolu, speed,spatk 25+ others 15+ 4. adamant h.a anorith or evo 5. jolly h.a tyrunt leave message or pm me in game
  8. agree, ofc we need it and i think.. only sweeper will hold focus sash, u will not make slowbro hold focus sash :Grin: and if a pokemon has ability-sturdy, it can hold other item, like power boost item or lum berry if focus sash is not consumable, we can have more choice to decide what we should make our pokemons hold not just always, lum berry, leftovers ....
  9. ban spore breloom,amoongus pls, spore breloom,amoongus is way more op or just ban "spore" brainless move 100% acc to put pokemon to fall asleep i dunno why this brainless move be created :Cry: even more op than "Dark Void" if u don't bring any grass type, or heal bell pokemons just get ready to get rekt so hard
  10. banning spore breloom,amoongus pls, spore breloom,amoongus is way more op or just ban "spore" brainless move 100% acc to put pokemon to fall asleep i dunno why this brainless move be created :Cry: even more op than "Dark Void" if u don't bring any grass type, or heal bell pokemons just get ready to get rekt so hard
  11. dragonite's outrage outspeed my mamoswine's ice shard too :Ambivalent:
  12. Same here... ranked pvp is INFESTED OF WALL TEAMS...i dont understand it, i'm from P.oke.M.M.O and the PvP style from that game is totally different than PRO, the pvp from that game is most offensive, you'll never see some guy with ferrothorn + sablaye+blissey+hipodown+mandibuzz+slowbro in the same team. (I'm not doing advertising) Well, while pvp items doesn't comes, long live Gothithelle. **oh, and please, fix encore to use woobuffet Again, I must repeat the cancerous Gothitelle need to be banned. Thing about gothitelle is: it's not only trap and kill a single pkm but also punish the whole team for running that trapped pkm.. very hard. Why? because after trap and kill a pokemon, Gothitelle can maintain full health w. +6/+6 on special sides. Basically, no physical attacker can 1hit gothitelle due to it has a good bulk on physical side also, thus be killed by any of its +6 special atk moves. It's an easy 1 for 2 or 3 trade which you can't do anything against it, basically break your team and strategy. Thus, discourage ppl to run any of Gothi-trapable pkms (which is a pretty long list not only stall pkms). Idk why ppl keep defending it for a silly reason: to counter stalls.. It's a bane for stalls, yep.. but not the only way to deal w. them. man, i don't think gothitelle can easily trap many pokemons in pvp togekiss, milotic, and pokemons which can learn calm mind, nasty plot, haze, thunder wave,confuse ray , toxic, taunt, leach seed, hypnosis, sleep powder can easily break gothitelle also some hyper special attacker can also two shot gothitelle, like politoed in rainy day, ninetales in sunny day or water type pokemons in rainy day if u run a bold gothitelle, it's way easier to killed by some special attacker by two shot before u set up, also the only way for gothitelle to heal hp is by leftovers and rest, if u rest u have three turns u can't do anything if ur damage is enough to enforce gothitelle to use rest before calm mind x 2, it's easy to kill gothitelle if u go physical defensive gothitelle, u are easy to get killed by spatker if u go special defensive gothitelle, u are easy to get killed by physical attacker and don't forget gothitelle's speed is pretty slow so i don't think gothitelle can really trap many pokemons
  13. i hope baton pass could be fixed :Frown:
  14. instead of gothitelle, i think now breloom is more overpowered than shadow tag gothitelle :Cry: fortunately there is sleep clause, or breloom just gonna be a super monster though it's still hard to deal with it..... :Frown:
  15. sorry, i am so dumb :Frown:
  16. some ppl may use role play to test mew's nature, if sync fails then relog and wait until next time and finally get a right nature mew :Nervous:
  17. without stats boost move, shadow tag gothitelle is just like a trash and would not be able to trap any pokemon even slowbro ur suggest is just like banning dragon dance from dragonite, gyrados, just leading a pokemon to disappear in pvp
  18. wtb bold/timid/modest/calm prankster volbeat pay 500k
  19. sold for 85k lol sold for 17k + one pidgey :Shocked:
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