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Everything posted by Bigdanny

  1. if u guys really think gothe is too overpowered, the best way is that just finding yourself a gothe, use it in pvp and see what's gonna happen maybe u can figure out how to deal with gothetella as i said before, u trap me and i trap u, it's very fair :Smile: banning any pokemon is just like denying the efforts of a player who paid to get that pokemon and if u think efforts or money ppl paid to get gothe should not be considered , you are wrong as one staff ever said, " [highlight=yellow]PRO is not a battle simulator[/highlight] where you can use your desired Pokes and Items anytime you want. You gotta put some efforts to build a decent team that can overpower your opponents. [highlight=yellow]One of the factors that makes PRO PvP competitive is the efforts you put to get Items, Pokemons, and Moves.[/highlight]" if u want to play pvp fairly, u need to go to showdown instead of pro and i am sure that gothe is not over-abused in pvp now, :Ambivalent: i played like 30 pvp games and i only faced one guy who has gothe in his team
  2. i don't use gothe in pvp but i am very sure that it's all about team build and how u run ur pokemons if u run a bold defensive politoed and u don't run perish song or swagger, ofc u will get rekt by gothe but if u run an offensive modest politoed with swagger or perish song, i am very sure gothe will be rekt by politoed or at least become useless for me, blissey is more abused than gothe, ppl just too over-rely on blissey as a spatk wall it can almost destroy all spatk pokemons, if u don't switch to physical attacker, u are just a delicious meal for blissey if u switch to physical attacker(not ground type ), u are still have chance to get thunder-waved and then the stall player will just switch blissey to another wall pokemon that can counter ur physical attcker, it's really more boring and depressing to face stall team than gothe gothe just a good way to beat those wall, but it will never be able to threat an offensive team if a gothe can easily beat ur team, just stop over-reling on wall pokemons like blissey, slowbro, tentacruel, ferro and etc. and don't forgot, everything has it's pros and cons, it's all ur choice :Grin:
  3. bug about "perish song" ?? when my opponent and i both had the last one pokemon, i used perish song. after 3 turns later, my opponent's pkm and mine got killed by perish song and it showed "you won the battle!" but i found that i lost pvp points and the count of losses just added one :Shocked: is it a bug ?
  4. i think pro is always a luck-based game hunting pokemons and pvp are all about luck having high points on ladder doesn't mean u absolutely better than other players some players like me would rather use the pokemons i like than using meta pokemons or building a viable team in pvp even i know my team is not that viable in pvp i just want to play it with my own style because being top 25 on ladder doesn't mean anything to me if i really want to play pvp fairly, i will play showdown instead of pro no worry about ivs, items, pokemons or abilities uncoded
  5. it's not that easy to set up and sweep :Nervous: lucky scald, priority pokemons like talonflame, klefiki and sableye or speedy pokemon like starmie can always destroy ur setup dream even u successfully set up, prankster with confuse ray/will-o-wisp/thunder wave/Reflect or tralonfalme with priority brave bird soon destroy u again :D not to mention lots of entry hazards, like toxic spikes, stealth rock, Sticky web and spikes :Angry: and after ur offensive pokemons died, u just like a delicious meal of stall team and if u want to set up spatk sweeper, sorry, blisssey is always there waiting for u :confused:
  6. Luck is an abstract notion and statistics make it disapear: count every scald you see in the game (if the user hasn't serene grace ability and if the foe can be hit and burned), count also every burn caused by scald, and after let's say 20 scald you will know if it really is 30% burning rate or not. Did you know that humans tend to notice more random bad events than random good events ? Which makes them think they have "bad luck". nah.. i have focused on scald for many days.. not a random case i just think it's burning rate is not like only 30% it's more like at least 50% or higher
  7. no just slowbro and some water type pokemons
  8. i just hope the coder can check it to make sure it's not a bug :Cry:
  9. but how can it act like it got 70% burning rate ?? or just i have bad luck ?
  10. i played many pvp games i found a weird thing scald's burning rate is like 80% or 70% instead of 30% can the coder check it ??
  11. yep stall all the way :Cry: ferrothorn + slowbro + blissey, what a nice defensive combo :Cool:
  12. same here, i expericed this bug many times 5 v 6 GG :Frown:
  13. baton passed usually doesn't work in ranked pvp but always works while against NPC, bosses or wild pokemons so u still can use it to fight in-game bosses :Smile:
  14. come on man, Subway System is very useful :Crazy:
  15. 1. dragon dance 2. aqua tail 3. earthquake 4. ice fang 5. bounce
  16. As integer said : "More items will be introduced in the future. And PRO is not a battle simulator where you can use your desired Pokes and Items anytime you want. You gotta put some efforts to build a decent team that can overpower your opponents. One of the factors that makes PRO PvP competitive is the efforts you put to get Items, Pokemons, and Moves. Unlike leftovers and berries, Focus Sashes can be really dangerous if used by Pokes with high damage but low defense which are supposed to faint in one hit. Considering its effect, we intended to make it rarer, while on the other hand it's not really impossible to stock it up." so i don't think banning shadow tag or regenerator is a wise choice, if u don't like it, just join it or find ways to beat it :Crazy: if u think shadow tag Gothitelle or regenerator slowbro are op, just go get a shadow tag Gothitelle or regenerator slowbro on ur team and see what's gonna happen :y: i have used shadow tag Gothitelle and regenerator slowbro on my pvp team, and i am very sure that they have weakness and are not undefeatable finally i decided to sell those two pokemons and not using them anymore just because i don't like slow, stall style battle so i am not the one who says don't banning shadow tag Gothitelle or regenerator slowbro just because i got them in my team recently i think spore h.a breloom is op, so i gonna get myself a spore h.a breloom though i do think "spore" should be banned haha but if it's not gonna be banned. it's ok, just find myself a breloom instead of keeping complaining about it. u know, it's just wasting time
  17. i am very sure that the icon is sun but the weather is exactly sandstorm so ninetales never wins the weather fight at the start of battle vs ttar :Shy: and i think all weather icons are sometimes bugged sometimes the weather icons are still there, but the weather exactly faded or weather icons disappeared but the weather still there
  18. Re: Jaccard1 Shop > Brellom Jolly Tech [New Insta] <t>i buy it 500k insta</t>
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