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  1. maybe you need to start reading the post before copy pasting every time you read a "Linux".
  2. Sad. No more love for Linux user :(
  3. Just mean to once again play Pokemon Revolution, and learnt no more Linux support :( Wine is so much confusing, and I am so bad in it. I think I have no chance to play this game anymore. Hope they will once again bring back the native linux support. Sad :(
  4. seems like fixing all PvP bug is not in PRO priority list. I have stop playing PRO for a very long time, and all the bug is still there till today. Nothing change at all. Hope those visual bugs will be fixed as soon as possible so more new players will interested with PRO.
  5. ooh, so its my bad.. thanks broo
  6. I just finish a PvP.. i am using snorlax against enemy metagross which has paralyse status. i keep on using "curse" (increase atk and def by 1 stage, and decrease speed by 1 stage) continously for 6 time, and i am quite lucky my enemy paralyzed for 3 round, and hurt me for 2 time with his meteor mash move (he miss once). each meteor mash deal around 1/6 of my full health, so it successfully make my life around 70%. but in the next turn, with same meteor mash move, he blew my 70% HP snorlax out. it is said to be critical.. i think this is an extremely fatal bug on this lovely PvP system, and yes, i have meet such condition for quite many times before (some done by my pokemon, and some by the opponent) hope PRO can focus and fix this annoying bug, which destroy whole PvP fun.. best regard, thanks
  7. Good evening i am a PRO linux client user.. after the may 1st update, i encounter "shift" key bug, everytime i try to chat (both in private message and channel), when i press on left shift key, a "0" typed, and right shift key make a "/" typed. hope this bug can be fix soon :( and sorry for my english :Cry: :Cry: :Cry:
  8. Re: Ingame BOSS [updated Boss Cooldown Checker 13/11/16] <t>Erika no longer have ludicolo in team.. it is changed to torterra</t>
  9. i experience this few time also, enemy ninetails come out, but neither weather sign nor chat box come out to tell it is sunny now.. and soon, tadaaaaaa, solar beam!
  10. is healer ability work? i just try it for 20 turn, but it seems not healing any paralyzed ally (i have a team with 5 paralyze)
  11. i am sorry, but only snorlax seems to have future
  12. i think HM should be added to list also
  13. Re: Ingame BOSS [NEED INFORMATION BOSS DEADPOOL and MESTREPOKEMON in LAVENDERTOWN!!] <t>no more deathwing? cant find him in seafoam b2f T__T</t>
  14. linoone is the answer for you.. thats my linoone
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