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Everything posted by Titaniaplayz

  1. Start
  2. Wtb PvP muk alolan Wtb PvP ferrothorn Wtb PvP ninetales alolan Wtb Impish ha garchomp or evo Just add Screenshot of Pokemon in this thread I will see and reply. Leave your price too
  3. Can I get anything for this?
  4. S.O - 300k Insta - 700k Minimum Bid - 25k Ends in - 24 hours after 1st bid Accept - Pokedollers ( Prefer ) CC ( 380k ) IVs Reroll ( Insta ) ( 700k ) ( Prefer if want to do insta ) Nature Reroll ( 350k ) RCs ( 5.5k ea) Thank You GL __________________
  5. Link to cooldown is Here. [For Chandelure Only]
  6. Sold to @dkim0107
  7. insta added
  8. Update -
  9. Hello Link to cooldown is Here.
  10. @dkim0107 hey here it is.
  11. S.O - 1.8m Insta - 4m Minimum bid - 100k C.O - 2m by @Smooge Ends in 72 hours after 1st bid. Accepted - CC ( 380k ) IVs reroll ( 680k ) Nature reroll ( 340k ) RCs ( 5.5 k ea ) Pokedollers I can come to gold server if you can wait some days for free otherwise if you want ATM in gold server then you need to Pay 1×CC. HAPPEY BIDDING HAVE A GOOD DAY
  12. Bump
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