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Everything posted by Titaniaplayz

  1. @Jdude I won already
  2. Thank you very much, I have one more question but will be handled in conversation.
  3. Hellow , I was thinking to make a new theme for vermilion port. It is the most visited port . Will be great if changed theme. Like change in path , ships etc... Also it would be great if vermilion port is changed to new map OR make vermilion port like lilycove like a stop house ( We will go in all ships will appear line by line ).
  4. Hey Staff I can't transfer from silver to gold. i forgot when I transferred last can I know date and time pls? i need to go gold for a togepi deal.
  5. Decent not so high budget
  6. Wtb ferrothorn
  7. OB Out-Break happens secretly , but the problem was this when OB happens it is night for asian players ( Late night ) . We aren't able to participate in OB to catch any poke. Well, pls make them in a such manner so that everyone can enjoy it
  8. @g3n3r4l I'm kida lazy in logging in dashboard. If you are old player , You may have seen a forum page which shows server status without logging in. I need it back pls.
  9. Hello, I remember that when we play before 2-3 years there is a forum system which shows us is server offline or online? Please I want it back because I didn't use discord much. I use discord but not all players. Players know about forums but haven't heard about discord ( I'm not kidding) Please back the forum page to check server status
  10. Start - 200k Per bid - 10k Insta - Added later Ends on - 2 Day after 1st bid Accepted - Pokedollers / CC ( 380k ) Reroll IVs/Nature ( 700k/350k) Thanks for coming ____________________________
  11. +1
  12. Why this thread won't get implemented sign? I created this thread on March when there is no news about this? Appologise for tag
  13. Is this implement in next update?
  14. Hello, I will request to make bulbasaur spawn in one more place where we don't need to invest money. Cuz we need to invest money in order to get bulbs. Also if anyone invested 50k for there is no possibility to get more than 3-4 bulba spawn. So add it in 1 more place. OR Make all starter spawn In a place where player need to invest money ( Like it is for johto starters) Ty Have a good day
  15. @Astrainx She only gives reroll if you beat kyurem 1st time. Have you beated it first time or other?
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