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Everything posted by Titaniaplayz

  1. Current bid 350k by 01653678316
  2. Start up price - 100k Insta - 1.2m Per bid price - 20k/bid Ends on today 10 PM ( IST ) @@ Only pokedollers @@
  3. Great idea +1
  4. Hey guys auction will be end on today 10 PM ( IST ) Gl
  5. CURRENT BID -- 500k Insta- 1.2m Increase the bid by 20k ( 20k/bid ) I accept CC(390k ea) // reroll iv ( 600k ea ) nature reroll ( 300k ea ) // RC ( 5.5k ea ) // battle items PvP only 100k ea Bid will end in 24 hours Thank you Good luck
  6. But we are requesting them to start summer event before the actual time just 1 - 2 week before In my opinion summer has started now so it can be started before 7-10 days But let the staff see and reply Thanks
  7. Bump
  8. Titaniaplayz


    It will be so great if you start summer event before the actual time because we are getting bored in our homes cuz many countries has lockdown and we can't go out in any way So it will be so grateful if you start summer event before actual time Thanks for giving your valuable time
  9. Yes in my thread it happened too no response to me They respond after 3 days But we shouldn't blame staff for this they also have life and also have right to enjoy xD Cya
  10. Good bye buddy Best of luck for your future.. Hope you will start this game again after some days,years,month....
  11. INTRODUCTION hey guys , we have recently created this guild. Now we are going to launch this guild officially in forums. This guild is created in order to give all guild facilities to member of whole PRO. We just want to make a family like iron which cannot be broken easily and like water which is soft hearted. [spoiler=Rules ]1. No begging 2. No abusive words 3. Obey all PRO rules [spoiler=Features]1.free lending services 2. Leveling services at chaeap 3. Loan with no interest 4. Special events per month [spoiler=OUR FAMILY]1. Supertrainers - vicky#3564 2. Pokevil - mehedi#0296 [spoiler=Requirements]Therr is no overall requirements but it would be great if you are discord active to get all latest update about events. [spoiler=How to apply]you can either apply here or on our discord server ( link is given at last ) You need to send your IGN and playtime here or in discord [spoiler=Looking for officers]we are also looking for officers if you want to apply the requirements are - 1. 100 hrs playtime 2. Able to make some ratings To apply for officers you need to DM ME in discord My discord - vicky#3564 OUR DISCORD -https://discord.gg/JnqPhEE( if showing expired you can DM ME in discord ) ____________________________________________________________ THANK YOU
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