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Everything posted by Iantv

  1. 4m offer for halloween Weavile
  2. I will buy the timid steadfast 100k Riolu
  3. I have altaria bold
  4. I want to buy Solosis 40k, grow lithe 120k intimidate
  5. I want to buy mokanjis 200k alolan grimmer
  6. Qwilfish? Buizel?
  7. Hey, i want to buy this
  8. How much for these pkmn?
  9. hey! how much for the Tangela regenerator hardy?
  10. hey, I want to buy mokanjis naive Froakie for 70k.
  11. hi, I want to buy your timid Riolu, pls
  12. there's a problem with sleep talk + outrage. when u use sleep talk and it uses outrage it gets stuck on the move and it doesn't get confused for using outrage and keeps doing it. in the actual game u can't get stuck in outrage while using sleep talk, works similar as doing dragon tail with sleep talk, it doesn't have to wait for the other trainer to attack to use it. hope I described it well, my English is not that good.
  13. hi! I'm interested in your services my nick in game is iantv
  14. Im open to offers.
  15. Dragonite
  16. hi! I deleted a clefairy by mistake, hope u can restore it. ty! sorry, I guess the first post doesn't have an image attached. it says: "System: Clefairy level 22, with the ID 35807899 has been released."
  17. bugsy boss heracross is scarfed but it can use different attacks, why? is it a bug?
  18. I need help, i was doing the quest and when i was going to get the ice orb i interacted with articuno but it dissapeared then i returned to pc to get a Shadow Tag pokemon and when i looked for articuno again it wasnt there and i looked for him on all island but nothings there
  19. 6m - insta Accept cc 270k each
  20. <blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="a/ox2M49d"><a href="//imgur.com/a/ox2M49d"></a></blockquote><script async src="//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
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