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Everything posted by Sin

  1. Is the post still available? Would love to see
  2. Bump. Hope to be resolved while my memory is still fresh.
  3. I know what u mean but luck has never been fair. Well unless both of you have each hunted for 10k hours then you can start comparing to see how large the deviation is.
  4. Togekiss Timid 30/26 and Bisharp Ada 31/26 SOLD, thank you :)
  5. Hello, I went to Lilycove Department Store 4F today to buy the Big Train Ticket (300k). My money got deducted but I don't see it in my bag (Pretty sure I had enough money at the time). Could you check with your tools and help me out? Thank you very much. Sin
  6. Trade done. Excadrill Ada/Sand Rush 26/25 4x20+ SOLD, thank you :)
  7. You won’t lose Pokemon and progress in Pro for no reason. Most likely, you need to do a “merge” for your account in Pro Dashboard website. That should merge Red and Blue data into Silver and your progress and Pokemon should return to you.
  8. Togekiss Modest 30/28 SOLD, thank you :)
  9. Conkeldurr Ada/Guts 4x22+ All 19+SOLD, thank you :)
  10. Gengar Timid 31 Spd 4x23+ all 19+ SOLD, thank you :)
  11. Thank you kind brother Ferrothorn Sassy 21/21 traded with Seadra 31 Spd, thank you :)
  12. Trade done, thank you. Lucario Ada/Steadfast 31/28 SOLD.
  13. Sure thing, will be waiting there. Pm me in-game SinLight when u arrive :)
  14. Alright, can u come in-game now?
  15. Arcanine Impish/Inti 30/29 4x26+ SOLD, thank you :)
  16. Updated list :) Removed some Pokemon no longer fit needs and added Breloom to Wishlist.
  17. Muk Alolan Careful/P.Touch 4x21+ SOLD, thank you :)
  18. Ferrothorn Careful 30/30 & Scizor Ada 26/25 SOLD, thank you :)
  19. Noted. Just tried to reach u in-game but u are offline atm. Pm me in-game when u're onl, or hit me up through Discord Sin#6417 to arrange a pickup time :)
  20. Garchomp Jolly/S.Veil 31 Spd 30/31 SOLD, thank you! :)
  21. I concur. The only downside I can see is that improving fishing might incentivize more cheatings with automated softwares, as I assume it should be harder to catch cheaters fishing than them running around. i remember there was a ban wave years ago which eliminated lots of automated players who fish in Dragon Den. Aside from that, I agree, getting a mon, even a karp, is more excited than getting nothing at all.
  22. Donphan Impish 23/27 Semi-Epic SOLD, thank you! :)
  23. There's a bug where your poke doesnt evo, sometimes, if it has high happiness. Try fainting your Pokemon first (let it hold toxic orb/black sludge, repeatedly use status move, etc.), then immediately use a rare candy to level up, the pokemon should now evo normally.
  24. Porygon 2 Modest Epic Trick Room SOLD, thank you! :)
  25. One of the bigger updates of the year, enjoy :) 10/FEB/20 43 Pokemon added: - Epic Azumarill Ada/H.Power 23+ - 3 Bisharp Ada: 31 Spd, Max Atk, and Trick Room - 3 Chansey Bold: Decent, Epic 21+ and and 29/28 Epic - 31 Spd Clefable Bold/M.G. 31/27 - 31 Spd Cloyster Ada 25/31 - 6 Conkeldurr: Ada Guts (31 Spd, etc.), Sheer Force, and H.A. - 2 Darmanitan: Jolly 22/24 and Ada 24/27 - Epic Dusclop Bold 21+ - Electivire Hasty 22/26/25 - 31 Spd Empoleon Jolly/Torrent - 2 Excadrill Ada/Sand Rush 26/25 and 31/30 - Epic Exeggutor Alolan Sassy 30/24 - 2 Ferrothorn Sassy 21/29 and 23/26 - Epic Heracross Jolly/Guts 22+ - 31 Spd Kingdra Modest/SS - 31 Spd Lopunny Jolly/H.A. - Lucario Ada/Steadfast 31/28 - Medicham Ada 31/25 4x25+ - Mursharna Bold 29/22 Semi-Epic - Nidoking Naughty/H.A. 25/29/28 - Rotom Bold Decent 22/20 - Epic Salamence Jolly/Inti 31/26 - 31 Spd Scizor Careful 4x25+ - Skarmory Impish 26/27 4x20+ - 31 Spd Slowbro Bold/H.A. 27/24 - Snorlax Sassy/Thick 29/29 - Epic Steelix Careful/Sturdy - Togekiss Bold 4x20+ // 19+ - Venusaur Bold/Overgrow 4x22+ // 18+ - Epic Wobbuffet Bold - Yanmega Modest/Spd Boost 2x26 2x31
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