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Everything posted by Jigglypuffsalot

  1. Thank you very much, big help
  2. couple of questions, does gengarite quest need to be completed to start baby lugia quest? is it possible to re-do dark realm quest if already completed last year? reason for the second question is because during gengarite quest, in nightmare battlefield, i only have 4 pokemon that i can pick up. musharna, marowak, clefable and arcanine. raticate is not there and i assume its because i didnt have it in my team during dark realm quest. any help would be greatly appreciated. thank you p.s, the questions are regarding my main account. i didnt realize i was signed in to this account.
  3. Hi, sorry for the delay. I can log in to game around 4pm EST, about 4-5 hours from writing of this post. Let me know if that's a good time for you
  4. Same problem for me
  5. Can I ask for snorlax to be on hold for few days? 3 days max
  6. Some people are totally misunderstanding the suggestion lol... It's literally taking the legends we obtain, then grinding up pvp points to make it shiny.. not add stats. With the addition of prestige mounts that cost 2.5k pvp coins, adding the option for shiny upgrade for around the same cost in pvp coins or more would be very nice. It's would be a great incentive for players. Pro is very grindy and very much a game of collecting mons for most loyal players.. whether it be pvp mons or shinys or w.e it may be. This suggestion would cater to both those aspects. The idea of pvp coins is nice, I don't see the downside. It would probably make the pvp scene explode as players new and tried have something awesome to grind for, which would in turn improve many other aspects in the game imo
  7. +1 , i really like this idea. It would be very cool to be able to get shiny legendaries. I also like the idea of it being locked behind pvp coins as its a great incentive for people to really get in to pvp and grind for w.e mon they want to upgrade
  8. Ok I will come online in few minutes with my other account
  9. Insta , I will pick up in couple hours, I will bring my alt account from gold
  10. Where do u want to meet?
  11. 1.4m , how much time left?
  12. Hi i want to offer 2m ty
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