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Everything posted by Bash

  1. Bash

    about the bans

    I hear everyone complaining about Greninja I know a bit better. There is not a single stall player under them
  2. Bash

    about the bans

    Thats what I mean. You have 38 rating (no offense) and you say that the reasons from those ladder, ladder tour and summer tour winner are stupid. One sentence later you say Lopunny is a stall breaker (?!).
  3. Bash

    about the bans

    LOL Do you even think about what you wrote before you press "submit reply"?
  4. Bash

    about the bans

    Thank God Gren is banned, this mon is just op, and if you take the effort to read the council chat there is no way you'd disagree. For some reason, the more rating people have, the more obvious is the Gren ban for them Mawvile is also super strong. About the other two idk.
  5. Welcome Send some pics :pogg: (If you want, some naturalistic pics too :kappa: )
  6. Protean good ivs
  7. sold
  8. Stay 1 square infront of them. They will make the ( ! ) and wal towards you. If you speak to them they change the direction . They dont? Try to relog.
  9. ikr. People already hated the one on halloween. Idk why they make a similar one. Its like a game from the 1980's
  10. Quick. - You need a few strong Pokemon (One Pokemon must have a steel type, can also be a weak one), something you can brighten up caves with - HM Flash for example. Be able to surf, be able to climb waterfalls, be able to dive. You should start the quest a bit before night. First part is just a explanation where the quest starts. - Go to the Vermilion port and go to Love Island (Requirements: 120 Kanto Pokemon caught, 38 evolved) - Follow the left part of the beach. At some point there is a small stair that leads to some grass, go through it and follow the beach again. (Screen-shot in spoiler if needed) - You will see a cave entrance, enter it. In the cave, use the first ladder you see. - Follow the cave, there is only one way. At some point you have to use dive, go dive and go up. The quest actually begins now. - Dived up? -> Welcome to the quest area. - Go to the inner cave: 'Diamond Empire Foyer' - Take the right entrance. 'Diamond Empire East Wing' - Move the Nosepases to the sparkeling switches. They are not hard to understand. - Enter the entrance which was blocked by eletricity before - You dont go back to Foyer, the entrance is in the Wing - Beat the mini Boss - hes easy. - Go back to the Foyer - Take the left entrance 'Diamond Empire West Wing' - Enter the next entrance - It must be night now (or you are lucky, idk). Always take the entrances where the lamp lights are on. If no lamp is on and its night, turn the dynamic light settings on. - I forgot what comes now, I think again some easy boss. - A message roughly like "smt rumbless" must come, if not, you need to do smt else in your current area. Message yes?! -> Go back to the Foyer - Enter the last entrance which was blocked before where the rails and Carbink's are - Do the totally boring and annoing pseudo PvP - Chess game - Tipp: U need to use your brain (Or you use the guide in the spoiler). When you dont understand the game, you wont win. (Or use the guide) - Do the boss, hes a bit harder now. - Beat the rock, it is actually strong. - Get your sync and Master Ball - Enjoy your trash iv Gentle Diancie
  11. I like this much. Shouldnt be a problem for the very most ppl to do a bunch of games in 11 days.
  12. Always 7 days would be indeed so super long and I dont want to destroy my head to think about a good solution as staff can do that. Spontanious I'd suggest that the standart waiting time is 3 or 4 days, but if you really dont have time you can use your "joker" and extend it to 7 days. Or: For every battle held in less than ~3 days you add 25 PvP coins or so in a raffle which will be given away to all participants after the tour :pogg: I already see ppl sayign one week is fine. Thing is: I saw it in many other events. It is getting boring very fast if you have to wait so long. Its more fun when you hussle it a bit. Thats why I'd prefer it as short as possible.
  13. Its better when you look for a guild. Because then you can decide which guild fits to you
  14. Sorry x.x
  15. Yes, they are. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/profile/1672216-novus/
  16. Good to know. Thanks
  17. Probably not
  18. Yeah, there are many events where you have the same maps and you have just a bit extra if you already did it the year before. I'd prefer less events but better ones.
  19. Hm ok. You can keep it in mind and if it happens a bit often you can adjust it.
  20. The change is way to fast imo. When I see a spawn that I like, Id like to farm for 1 day or 3 days which is one blk ms. So, Id suggest to make the spawns change all 72-90 h
  21. There are candies in the PvP coin shop in Vermilion. idk how they work but they have the description that you can evolve lvl 100 mons. Maybe you can try one out.
  22. I'd check if they are still on their respective locations. Because iirc you need those encounters and not only the seen data from a boss battle e.g. . I might be wrong tho. https://prowiki.info/index.php?title=Legendary_Beasts_Quest
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