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  1. +1 You have the imagination of gods
  2. Bro you posted the same chandelure twice at different prices
  3. 15 seconds is nowhere near enough time. Perhaps you should try to slightly reduce the timer but not by a factor of 1/4
  4. Landorus incarnate has no viable checks that can safely switch in without taking massive amounts of damage. The fact it can sweep half of your team with sheer force + life orb boosted attacks and a high speed tier with no drawbacks is outrageous. The only reason everyone doesnt use landorus incarnate is due to the fact that getting hidden ability and hp ice is close to impossible without high investments in money and luck. Especially in a game with no megas, having landorus incarnate in pvp is completely unhealthy and should be abolished immediately.
  5. Wishiwashi schooling mount
  6. Username: Fearsamuel Server: Silver Country/Timezone: UK/GMT+1
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