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Everything posted by Dconqurer

  1. -1 Agreed that it is an issue, but for someone like me who just does not wish to play on multiple accounts reducing the chances is a bad option. I don't want to create 4 accounts and catch those starter sets again . Everyone just cant spend that much time in game.
  2. Just before crash about half an hour ago i sold 2nuggets, 1starpiece and 1stardust to the item maniac in celestic town in sinnoh. After server was back up i was rollbacked to a previous location and i lost my items and do not have the money too.
  3. Bump
  4. I have fought the easter event Boss (David-LC) twice now. The bosses says i have zero consecutive wins when i have won on both encounters. Upon asking help chat i found out that the boss is supposed to ask for a difficulty settings which i was never asked. I never had an option to select difficulty. Please help.
  5. +1
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