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Everything posted by Coleisdatboe

  1. Magnezone sold for 180k, will be removed shortly.
  2. Hello, could you please PM me on Discord Cole#2771, or send me your Discord user and tag. Thank you in advance.
  3. Clefairy #1 sold, will be removed from the shop shortly, thank you.
  4. Wellcome to Nabs daycare Don't expect much we are a bunch of Nabs! We offer daycare services for your dear pocket-friends as well as quest-story services to make your journey easier! You can contact us: Payment Methods: Daycare Story&Quests Thank you for choosing us! Have a wonderful day!
  5. Cloyster #1 Sold and will be removed shortly
  6. Sold will be removed shortly
  7. Azumarill and Hawlucha sold, will be removed shortly.
  8. NidoranM sold will be removed from the shop shortly.
  9. Grand re-opening bump!
  10. Good luck ❤
  11. +1, normal one just makes me feel odd....
  12. Start Scizor.
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