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Everything posted by Coleisdatboe

  1. In my oppinion its good this way. Not only that being able to change non-legendary pokemon's IVs and Nature would, as Starlight stated "This won't just break the economy, this would probably outright kill it." PRO is meant to be grindy game and what i personaly enjoy the most in PRO is hunting. It is -1 from me.
  2. + 1
  3. Bada bump bada bi ba bu b bada bi ba bu bump bada bi ba bu buuump
  4. Closed due to lack of intrest
  5. Bumpity bumpity bump bumb, i go bump
  6. Can be closed
  7. Speed of that buneary is 27, sorry for typo
  8. Hello there. I have an epic bunneary, sadly speed is not 31 but 31. If you are intrested pm me on discord: Cole#2771. Have a nice day :CharYay:
  9. Wtb scrappy Pangoro, adamant nature decent IVs You can contact me here on forums or pm me on discord: Cole#2771. Have a nice day :)
  10. Nice
  11. Is this gold or silver server? Ty in advance.
  12. Hello sir, i want to buy550k Volcarona
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