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Everything posted by Rekkuza

  1. The mon itself shouldnt require OT. The mega-stones themselves should be untradeable though meaning you have to acquire them yourself, not buy from another player.
  2. Short answer: Currently - no If forum roles are reworked again at some point it may be introduced but there isnt really a link between forum and ingame to automatically detect donators and give a role accordingly, meaning it would have to be a manual process, which would take up too much of staffs time qhich could be served elsewhere with their core duties. I'll let an current staff member correct me on any point im wrong here, however.
  3. Updated - & thankyou for the praise, thanks for participating!
  4. Locked as user suspended.
  5. The bird-trio being catchable is planned, however there is no ETA on this addition, however it is something being discussed and worked on within our Content team, so time will tell.
  6. Hi Strat, This has been noted and passed on to the relevant party to look into further and hopefully add.
  7. updated
  8. updated
  9. updated
  10. updated
  11. updated
  12. updated
  13. updated
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