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Everything posted by Citizenpete
What is your in game name? CitizenPete The following questions are optional to the application and are just for us to know a little bit more about you How old are you? Old (37 ) How many gameplay hours and badges do you have? 3476h, and of course all badges Do you use discord? Yes What is your ingame hobby(farming, selling, pvp, collecting etc)? Collecting first, want OT pokes at maximum Why would you like to be in team magma? Alixx7 told me good of you Just know that I'm back on the game these days...
Hi Raiders, I just left my guild, I was Officer in Renaissance. I play on Gold Server. 1/ Why do I want do join a pvp Guild? I'm only attracted because of your beautiful logo.... More seriously, I still wanna learn PvP? I'm not bad at it, but not good either... I can easily get the 50pts per months. I think without help, I can go until 150/200pts (random included) 2/ What pokemon do I have? A few godly, some epics. Got Huge Nidoking and Cloyster, very nice Tornadus, Heracross, Hawlucha and more! (maybe also the best Stunfisk in the server xD). But I keep hunting to get the best pokes. But my goal would be a full pokedex pvpable^^ 3/ My favorite poke might be Gyarados. But I do like Tornadus too^^ 4/ I like many sides of PRO. I'd say Random Battle is the thing I like the most. But I like hunting, training, helping people (helpchat is my second home). 5/ I'm 36... no it's not too old to play a pokemon game 6/ citizenpete#6390
CitizenPete - Dex Service for no-evolution pokemon
Citizenpete replied to Citizenpete's topic in Service Shops - Gold
Bump Price has been lowered -
Hi, I'm CitizenPete. This post is for dex service for pokemon that has no evolution at all. In game, trades will be done from my alt : citizenjoe It's a dex service, and it should be done this way : 1- If you are interested, contact me by pm on discord please : citizenpete#6390 Please introduce yourself by saying your name in game, the list of the pokemon you need and confirm that it's for the dex service. 2- In discord, we will decide when and where to meet in game. 3- I trade you the poke you need in exchange for money 4- You instantly trade me back the pokemon If you don't give me back the pokemon, you will be reported directly. Conditions : you must have beaten the Sinnoh League. Price : 5k per poke (only money is accepted). No negociation. ******************** List of pokemon available : 083 Farfetch'd / 115 Kangaskhan / 127 Pinsir / 128 Tauros / 131 Lapras / 142 Aerodactyl / 201 Unown / 203 Girafarig 206 Dunsparce / 211 Qwilfish / 213 Shuckle / 214 Heracross / 222 Corsola / 225 Delibird / 227 Skarmory / 234 Stantler 235 Smeargle / 241 Miltank / 302 Sableye / 303 Mawile / 311 Plusle / 312 Minun / 313 Volbeat / 314 Illumise / 324 Torkoal 327 Spinda / 335 Zangoose / 336 Seviper / 337 Lunatone / 338 Solrock / 351 Castform / 352 Keckleon / 357 Tropius / 359 Absol 369 Relicanth / 370 Luvdisc / 417 Pachirisu / 441 Chatot / 442 Spiritomb / 455 Carnivine / 479 Rotom / 531 Audino / 538 Throh 539 Sawk / 550 Basculin / 556 Maractus / 561 Sigilyph / 587 Emolga / 594 Alomomola / 615 Cryogonal / 618 Stunfisk / 621 Druddigon 626 Bouffalant / 631 Heatmor / 632 Durant / 676 Furfrou / 701 Hawlucha / 702 Dedenne / 775 Komala / 603 Carbink / 707 Klefki 819 Skwovet / 831 Wooloo / 870 Falinks Ditto is not the list because every one must get one for the bike! ********************
implemented Replacing Graveler from Cerulean Cave 1F by Magcargo, #Sturdy.
Citizenpete replied to Fafouney's topic in Suggestions
Graveler can be boring, I agree. Why not! Fafouney's arguments are not bad at all. -
Then, I'll do my best to fill the report section with all begging i have. Don't worry, I'll report them all, for harassment, or trying to scam. If half players do it, the report section will be flooded, and you might want to keep the moderator app opened, cause you would need more mods to handle it.
Hi, Like many players, we meet beggers every day. They don't say hello, they don't say please, they just ask something to be given. And most of the time they're not afraid to ask even 50k, or pvp pokes. More than that, i'm in helpchat, almost every day to help (staff don't come there for a reason that I ignore), and beggers there are also a problem. So begging in helpchat is reportable, because it's fitting with trade chat. But begging someone in pm is allowed? That is non-cense. It's boring, and a experienced player don't do that. When you enter Vermillion pokecenter, it's all the time the beg reunion. You get many pm. So I would like begging to be prohibited everywhere. Any player can click on "close", or any player can report that, and makes the player walk the line, or leave the game. Technically the game don't need beggers to run. The game need people who like to grind. I'm asking you Walross to make that happen. You don't play the game so much, but I assure you it's a deep problem. In my guild, every day people complain about that. Thanks in advance ps : any people , be free to add anything, or to bump, to make staff understand this problem
Hi I'd like to suggest to add a new reward for boss battle. Due to the utility of escape ropes nowadays, i'd love to get some escape ropes, sometimes as boss rewards Thanks for reading
Hi, I just thought about something new about solaceon. First, its something to add to the actual solaceon quest. I'd like to suggest another "quest" to the one we get when we go to the reporter. For example, the reporter asks to hunt for Bonsly. Lets' go hunt Bonsly. Then go show it to the reporter. But in the same time, before leaving the reporter's house, if we can show a very nice Sudowoodo (ot, right nature, ability, ivs like above 120 maybe or more), we get an extra reward (no idea about what it can be) I was thinking about something around role-play. The reporter is making a newspaper. So he might like to show a just caught and almost wild poke. But in the same time he could show the same pokemon well-trained. That could motivate player to hunt pokemon that are not used in pvp. Please be free to comment !
I agree with your idea, checking the top 25 is quite long. I'd like to add a few things : - Knowing how points are counted could be nice, in my opinion. The NPC talks about IVs, nature, rarity and ability. Might be clearer if we all could know how this is counted. I understand that rarer pokemon give more points, better IVs also, but about nature and ability, more details can be welcome! - Knowing the reward ladder could be good motivation (i saw that a event keldeo was given for top 3?) (I was 6th and got 10pp up, 2x10 berries, a train ticket, and 35 pve coins for info) - Whitebaron said on allchat, that fishing contest will be every week. I'm not against, but maybe it could be more fair if the contest was every 6 day, or 8/9 days. That would allows to anyone to check if we are available, and prepare for it. And not having it at the same time/hour/day every week is a better idea I think, because a saturday night, people who have a real life might not be on PRO. - I'm not sure if the contest wasn't a bit too long. But it didn't bother me! - where is Toxapex? x) (joke, huh!) Thanks in advance ps : I enjoyed it...!
I'd like to add, that I hunted about 10 hours my last solaceon 6th day pokemon, and I failed finding it... Sawk... So horrible feeling to fail solaceon because the pokemon didn't spawn
Hi, I'd like to point that many players/beginners use helpchat as trade chat. Is there possible to have a system message in helpchat saying : don't forget that help chat provide only informations? or something like that? Just an idea Thx for reading
I agree on the 6th day reward But anyone got an idea to replace the silver disc on the 7th day? because i think they don't want to let only rerolls and train ticket on last reward. Even if that would be awesome! Anyone?
Thanks to support Nice to see I'm not the only one!
kvar didn't suggest this^^, he suggested to post it here and not in discord-general! Just for information!
Hi, Kvar invited me to make this suggestion here, so here I am. I would like to say that the silver disc is horrible to receive. After spending so many hours hunting no-repelable pokemon (yeah some are repelable but still) receiving a silver disc is not a reward for a 7th day! At the 6th day you receive a masterball, which is, in my opinion, a better reward.... And it's the 6th day reward. I am not asking to remove the silver disc, the others rewards might be too easy to get, but trying to find something else would be something good to think about. I have no suggestion about which reward could replace it though. But sincerely getting a silver disc after hours of hunting isn't a proper reward. Hoping to be heard... and understood
Hi, Though I could find easily guides about the daycare daily quest, I couldn't find any informations about the different doctor ranks inside them... Is it possible to get them all please? And in the order also? Also, when you reach a rank, is it possible you go at the past rank because you stop the daycare daily quest for a while? I know that specialist is the higher rank Thanks in advance
big thanks!!!!! ^^
Hey, I'd like to know what are the actual datas available on the pokedex? I'm at 714 caugh, 743 seen, 361 evolved. I might be closed, but no idea what is the maximum!^^ Thanks in advance
Let's talk about the NEW Sinnoh Daily Reporter changes
Citizenpete replied to Desumi's topic in Suggestions
i think many people would simply stop solaceon. -
yes it's not an official game, but people donate for this game, you included as I can see^^. In order to respect the players, when you announce something with an exact day and hour, you must do it. There is no other way. I'm not against the fact to communicate more or less, I want announced things to be true. Players play from all over the world, and all must be respected. No exceptions. No arguments can go against that. I think there are weaknesses, and not only in communication, but it's another subject.
Hi, I'm not complaining about the fact that WQ hasn't begun. I'm here to complain that staff has announced the WQ at a special day and hour. And again, you don't respect your own announce. I'd like to suggest to make your announce true. Or to not make any announce if you can't respect it (like for digspots/exca/headbutt, you said no eta...) Last time, players were waiting for blue brushes on easter island, Keita said that we should wait for Walross to wake up... Excuse me, i don't think it's normal... Enjoy your day.
No problem, happy to help!
Hi, I went back to Diamond Sanctuary, and found a pokebal on the ground... A diancite, nice! Problem, I already got a diancite on my diancie! What to do?