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Everything posted by Mourad

  1. Hey PhatMarv, Thank you for applying on BlaZe, please check ur inbox!
  2. Hey, i buy the number 222-225-119
  3. Hey GaticadesS, we still recruiting new members in BlaZe the oldest guild ingame, if u wanna join us feel free to apply here. Good luck & have fun!
  4. Hey McBongg, Thank you for applying on Inferno BlaZe, please check ur msg!
  5. Hi Lokesh, Thanks for applying in the oldest guild in game Can you please check ur inbox in a bit
  6. Hey Bro, I will need some evs training on my poke
  7. Hey Thynkr, Thank you for applying in Blaze, Please check ur msg in a bit.
  8. Hey Thynkr, We are recruiting new members on the oldest guild in game"BlaZe". If you wanna join us feel free to apply here. good luck & have fun !
  9. S.O : 400k Min bid : 100k No insta Auction end in 2 days from the first bid. Accepted payment : Pokedollars and cc(400k) , Reroll Ticket(700k) Good luck!
  10. S.O : 300k Min bid : 100k No insta Auction end in 2 days from the first bid. Accepted payment : Pokedollars and cc(400k) , Reroll Ticket(700k) Ill take in charge the transfer fees (im currently in silver) Good luck!
  11. @OtCCaveMan u won the auction
  12. S.O : 200k Min bid : 100k No insta Auction end in 3 days from the first bid. Accepted payment : Pokedollars and cc(400k) , Reroll Ticket(700k) Ill take in charge the transfer fees (im currently in silver) Good luck! The Countdown: https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/gaming?iso=20211129T1309&p0=60&msg=MAX+SPD+PINSIR+"HYPER+CUTTER"&font=cursive
  13. +1 nice idea too
  14. Reeeally one of the best collections i've seen, gl
  15. yes i agree it should learn focus punch, dunno why it doesn't in PRO!! @Walrosskastanie @Eaty
  16. Hey Eyo, Our guild Inferno BlaZe are recruting new members, i've sent you our guild discord if u wanna join us!
  17. Hi Bhaskar, Thanks for applying to Inferno BlaZe. Please check your messages in a bit
  18. Hey Bhaskar, You can apply in inferno Blaze the oldest guild ingame here is our forum post: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/185035-reviving-the-oldest-and-first-guild⎪-∞-blaze-∞-⎪/ feel free to join us!
  19. Hey Schneider, Welcome to the BlaZe family, check ur inbox please!
  20. @maichinhhoangIt was already sold bro
  21. Hey Parental, Thanks for applying to the Blaze family, can you please check ur inbox!
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