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Everything posted by Mourad

  1. hello, Auction done with Raikaisa665.still only Innolu
  2. Auction over, srry for the delay was a bit busy and also confused with the action time. Will be online in about 3 or 4h ingame since im still in work rn, ty!
  3. 400k
  4. updates co: Hippo: 110k Magneson: 110k Ferro : 110k Exca : 80k Empoleon: 50k Hydreigon : 50k 7h left!
  5. Auction started fr all by @Raikaisa665 end in 24h!
  6. Weavile and charizard are sold
  7. Welcome to the auction Starting offer: 50k Min Bid: 30k No insta Auction ends 24hrs after first bid Accepted payments: -pokedollars -cc = 360k Weavile started, 16h left for it! Sold poke
  8. Start the ralts
  9. hp ralts ?
  10. 252k
  11. i have one, pm me in discord Mourad#7942
  12. Mourad i will be ingame in about 15min
  13. Hey, srry was busy i will pm u in discord to tell u when to meet.ty
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