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  1. Hello i've been farming Unison Mountain Summit and the Sneasel there keeps stealing my toxic orb from Breloom. Usually it should be returned after the battle but it's not. Sidenote i don't care about the orb i just want to report the bug. Thank you
  2. Hello dear Community, I want to you suggestion you guys a rework to Honey. The general idea is to make it something that groups the community together in a form of global mapbuff. How should it work? Honey is a consumable Item that boosts the current Map spawn rate of rare pokemon by 10% for 30 minutes. How should it be obtained? My idea for such an item to be received would be as a reward for people that donate for example 50 bucks within 2 months. or high amount of pve/pvp points
  3. To me this is a step in the wrong direction, like we don't have fly so we can't port from whereever we are to the desired location. This log out thing was kind of a blessing to save time like walking deep in a cave for a boss or whatever and leave again. Saves unnecessary time waste. I dont get the need in making the game feel even slower. How is a good thing?? They wanna hit the players pokedollars??? What? There are obviously way better ways of doing so instead of forcing people to buy escape ropes. If i was to buy an escape ropes for how often i used the log out command i wouldn't have enough money for other things like balls/repels & other needs. (There were obvly locations i often had to use escape rope too) So is it really the goal to force people to spend all their earned ingame currency on escape ropes? Like when would i be able to stack enough money to buy a desired shiny or regular pokemon from someone? Is the goal here to force people to buy cc in order to have enough money to buy a pokemon. Let's compare pro to the actual games, its true we walk faster than on the regular games but on other games we can fly from whatever location or even use teleport on abra to get back to a pc. The log out thing was the only fast travel on spot that we have. If they really want that option away then atleast code the attack move teleport so we can atleast use an Abra or w/e to tp to the PC. Truth to be said personally many recent changes just make me stay away/play less the game, a game i truly like. I am not here to insult any admins but i feel like they are just heading a bad way.
  4. To be honest i find the new system worse than previous one when it comes to cooldown. The set cooldown to catch a pokemon for day 2-7 should be the starting cooldown. Like i start the quest on Monday 7pm, so for the following days it still should be at 7 pm and not 24h after picking the quest again. (Like it was before the changes) This is a huge nerf because you delay the rewards for people. For example i started my quest at 1pm but on the next day i am busy until 9pm and therefore i delay my final reward more. #revertcooldownchange
  5. Hi I evolved my Espurr (fem) and didnt get the pokemon logo nor the evolve star Prolly the system just wants male but i think this is a bug that should be fixed and bought should be accepted
  6. since that canceled offered kinda tilted me, i choose to accept a insta at 7.5m
  7. As title says i was stupid enough to not learn spore on shroomish and now its a lvl 100 breloom. Would you mind helping me out here by replacing headbutt with spore? You may remove some money from my account ? 2k or 15k up to you A big thank you in advance and sorry for this happening. ****EDIT oops
  8. yes 15 turn freeze seems normal i guess, just unlucky me @Olker i fainted after the 15th turn so i cant tell if it was more. This just happend to me few minutes ago, i decided to screenshot. if one doesnt believe i can post screenshots i took at 11 turns to 14 turns. Now i am just convinced something is off
  9. So i had this few times now already (not in pvp but in many normal battles be it wild or trainer). So basically if you get paralyzed you just receive a fully para over many rounds in a row like over 5. I had the same thing with freeze where it would last like crazy long. Honestly at first i thought i was just extremely unlucky but it kept occurring more times. Something just feels odd here. to staff: Would you mind taking a closer look into it to fellow players: did this happen to you too if so please let us know.
  10. Player name: Albagran Server: Gold Timezone: GMT +2
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