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Everything posted by Funklxrd

  1. [bGCOLOR=rgb(41, 105, 176)]1 Day 17 Hours and 44 Minutes left!![/bGCOLOR] [bGCOLOR=rgb(41, 105, 176)][/bGCOLOR] [bGCOLOR=rgb(41, 105, 176)]Also BUMP :3[/bGCOLOR]
  2. [bGCOLOR=rgb(41, 105, 176)]BUMP[/bGCOLOR]
  3. [bGCOLOR=rgb(41, 105, 176)]BUMP[/bGCOLOR]
  4. [bGCOLOR=rgb(41, 105, 176)]Insta added and BUMP :3[/bGCOLOR]
  5. [bGCOLOR=rgb(41, 105, 176)]Insta added and BUMP :3[/bGCOLOR]
  6. Nothing else and thanks for the help, but I wonder...once an auction has ended, are we supposed to recycle the threads or to make new ones? Also I suppose we have to make one thread, post one auction on it and wait until it's done to make another one, I don't find having multiple auctions in one thread appealing because of the title, and is it possible to suggest an option like completely erasing the thread by a player once a moderator verifies the content that it holds (for example an auction, and to avoid problems between players, etc...) ? I do see the function in leaving them also, since I usually search for previous auctions and use their prices as reference for my pokemon!
  7. [bGCOLOR=rgb(41, 105, 176)]Auction started by @WilliWu in Gold Server, good luck!![/bGCOLOR] [bGCOLOR=rgb(41, 105, 176)]Time: 7:40 (UTC+01;00) Central European Time[/bGCOLOR]
  8. [bGCOLOR=rgb(41, 105, 176)]Noted, thanks for participating and good luck!![/bGCOLOR]
  9. [bGCOLOR=rgb(41, 105, 176)]GET READY FOR MEGA EVOLUTIONS[/bGCOLOR] S.O 2M Min bid 100k Insta: 3M Time: The auction will last 5 days after the first bid. All fake offers will be reported as usual and the only payment method is cash money!! Good luck to all participants and have fun.
  10. [bGCOLOR=rgb(41, 105, 176)]GET READY FOR MEGA EVOLUTIONS[/bGCOLOR] S.O: 2M Min bid: 100k Insta: 3M Time: The auction will last 5 days after the first bid. All fake offers will be reported as usual and the only payment method is cash money!! Good luck to all participants and have fun.
  11. I'm in gold server, is there anyway we can discuss insta in-game now?
  12. Hey, Could you please restore my manaphy ? I have been told that you can reroll at least once a legendary pokemon by releasing it and fighting NIkola, as it turns out it's not true. I have not asked one single person, I asked the whole chat in-game and they all responded the same way, that I could...
  13. Hey, Can you please delete my threads? I have created two for two auctions that didn't start but I closed the auction and I'm left with a couple of empty threads that I don't use, since I do not use this forum with this account, can you please delete them for me?? They take space in my thread menu and that irritates me, thanks in advance. Also, if I'm supposed to create just one normally I didn't know, because I thought you could just delete them after...rookie mistake .
  14. Yes, sorry also for my late reply. The matter is solved, the pokemon is back in my account, and I thank you!!
  15. Hey sorry, can I get help?? I asked for a pokemon that I traded for ev training and lvl training and got region locked two weeks ago, I'm still waiting for help. The other problem is that the guy who had it: YungfighterX, put it on his other account apparently or the account if his brother. He promised me that he'd give it back to me when I could and I was fine with that, but now I get a message from another user telling me that he's banned. I still want my pokemon back as it was a rare shiny, so I asked him for the pokemon's ID last time, here it is: 44108706 (I already mentioned that it is on another account apparently and don't know if he gave it away or what he did with it). Hope I can finally get some support now... Also if the guy was actually banned because of me, I don't want him to be banned and there was no problem for me to wait, I was just impatient that's all. Thanks in advance.
  16. Hey sorry, I gave my poke to one guy for lvl service and he gave it to his brother and since he's doing another region. It's locked in pc, I told him to give me the pokemon's ID, here it is: 44108706. Thanks in advance!
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