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Everything posted by Regaxd

  1. Welcome to my shop Payments Pokedollar Coin Capsule - 400k Feel free to contact me to negociate Discord: regalin_04 Ign: : regaxd Cosmetics Pokemon List
  2. Hi, buy 80k pawniard dc : regalin_04
  3. 30k
  4. buy drilbur carefull the one that cost 50k
  5. New shop
  6. ----------------------------------------------------------------
  7. Hey 30k in dragonite ada, contact me in discord if are changes at the Auction please TrainerRega#5652
  8. Gligar sold, dc cloth sold, toxicroak sold
  9. Hey, with the new rule about team boses im getting troubles to beat all the boses with botton pass team, this is because they are doing lot of critics to my furret or tanks pokes. Is there anyone that can recommend me a new boss team? Thanks, and have a nice day!!
  10. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11. Hello guys, welcome to my shop!!! CONTACTS In game= Regaxd Discord= TrainerRega#5652 There will be a 10 % discounts for Guild Members , not in auctions Payment methods 1CC= 400kk, BMS: 150k, 15ms= 190k, 30ms=350k, 1reroll Nature= 350k, 1reroll IVs= 700k Pokémon List: Toxicroak Gallade KIngdra Dc clothes Togepi Evee Tyroge Teddiursa Ferrothorn Gligar ha Timbur Muks Alolan (no evs no level) Gligar carefull( no evs) Synchronice pokémon 8k each = .
  12. Wts Chikorita timid 150k Wts Staraptor adamant Reckless Lvl 100 and evs done 350k Discord TrainerRega#5652
  13. Hi , i want to send back a gurdur to the user Eldiosmario , he give me a gurdur to evolved and is from sinnoh. I dont have this region so I cant give the Pokémon back until i go. Please send It back. Thanks for read this message. Pd: Is Silver server
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