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Everything posted by Momot

  1. The new update did solve the problem. Thank you for the quick answer and a thank you to the Devs for their quick solution.
  2. Hey, I've just updated my client (Steam Deck) and now I've got the following Problem: My Items in the menue don't have names and can be searched. I can equip and unequip items by draging them to pokemon. If they are equiped I can see the name of the Item but the description still does not apear. Changing the taps in the menue works. My badges are shown as not existing anymore. Becauso of that I can only acces the Pokemon of the region I'm in. Pokemon in my Party are not affected but the box is locked. Changing Regions is possible (only train tested), it changes the available pokemon. I did not try to rechalenge any gym. The other data in the Trainer Menue seems to be correct. I did try downloading and reinstalling the client, it did not solve the problem. My other account (TheOnlyMomo) has the same Problem, so it should be a Problem from the client.
  3. Great Guide, thank you very much. I have looked into the Gyarados-Moveset and wanted to know why you choose Iron Head (Steel-Type) instead of an other option. The way I see it, Waterfall (Water, STAB), Crunch(STAB when Mega) and Earthquake (Ground) are set and there are 3 Options for the fourth attack: All of them hit every Pokemon at least neutral, but Super Effective vary widely. (According to: https://pokemondb.net/tools/type-coverage) Iron Head (Steel; you choice) + Best Power for Full Accurcy (80 for 100) +Good against Fairy - No STAB - other Super effective (Ice and Rock already covered by other Moves) - Hits only 638 Poke Super Effective (577 normal) - Most expensive (8.000 for Tutor (Johto needed) Ice fang (Ice; used in the Guide from Leeluckya) + Hits 770 Poke Super Effective (445 Neutral) + Super effective against Flying, Grass AND Dragon Trainer + cheapest and earliest to get (2.000 at Move Relearner) - Only neutral against Fairy - Least powerful (65 at 100 Acuracy) Bounce (Flying Type; not mentioned) + STAB when not Mega + Hits 784 Poke Super Effective (431 neutral) + Effective against Grass, Fighting AND Bug Trainer + Highest Power (85) o 4.000 for Tutor (Johto, Lake of Rage) - Can miss ( only 85 accuracy) - Takes two turns (can be advantageous if no Mega Available with leftovers) -only 5 PP Base My Takeaway is: Bounce is the strongest but the drawbacks make it the worst choice. Ice and Iron is a bit of a Personal Choice, Ice is more effective but weaker. If you don't have Megastone yet it is also better with Expert Belt. Since you want to use Tower after Story (and probably more after Johto Story) Price and availability should not be Problems. What are your thoughts on that? P.s.: Also while typing I had the fought, that maybe a tanky approach (Dive and Bounce + Leftovers) could also be viable, but since you normally want clearspeed, it is the inferior option, I.d say.
  4. +1 Imo, I'd say, that If the Rope can be used everywhere, I'd probably bump um the price to 3k to make it a more expensive but more convinient alternative to Subway/Teleport. Same with an choise-Rope, I'd say could be 6k especialy since it can potentially replace Subway and Ferry combined, which wold have cost 7,5 together.
  5. +1
  6. Momot

    New Leaf - Fw/k

    Hi, I played casually for a while now and since I'll probably continue for a while, I'd like to join a guild. 1. What's your Player name (IGN)? MomoT 2. Number of hours played? 436 hours finished Hoenn; Sinnoh not started yet 3. What's your favorite Pokemon? changes sometimes, atm Gengar 4. What do you enjoy doing the most in PRO? (Hunting, PvP, trading, etc) Hunting and PvE 5. How old are you? (Optional) 32
  7. +1 I get that the Idea on Love Island is, that if your Pokemon love you, you get rewarded but I think if that effect should remdin, the mechanic could be changed that if you use tools either your fitst Pokemon has to love you or all of your team has to have at least 1200 love to you combined.
  8. +1
  9. Momot

    Quest counter

    +1 I'm thinking more of a NPC like the Cooldown-Checker, maybe have them do each region seperatly. Daily Quest would be a tad fidely with a NPC but, I think it could be done with a 'You already finished the Quest once, you didn'T finish it today.' Add in a counter 'You've done this Quest XY times.' if you're feeling generous.
  10. Great Guide, as always I'd like to realize the parts, that'll improve my team. For this, I've got 2 Questions: How do you teach Dodu/Dodri Boton-Pass? How do you get enough PP to use Accupresure 21 times? Thank you in advance.
  11. I said it in another Topic, but it is relevant here to: With the Update Belch got implemented, so the Arbok in Cerulean Cave with Level 60-62 have lost their only attack (at 63 they learn GunkShot, so the old Situation remeains unchanged. This elevates 2F of Cerulean, since there the Levels are between 58 and 62 while in 1F they can have LV 63 or 64). So anything that can do enough dammage can kill them without problems. You just have to keep in mind, that they're poison-type so toxic wont work, you have to attack, burn or LeechSeed them. It's somewhat Situational but maybee it helps someone.
  12. Just wanted to drop in and tell everyone, they fixed the turn-bug, for the Future Sight- and Desteny Bond- Methods your Pokemon needs to survife one round agaist the enemy. So you need to teach the Pokomen Protect, Endure or Detect (afaik that are all moves that let you survive an Attack) or it needs Stash (as Bhimoso said, bad Idea) or Sturdy to make these Strategies work again. Personally for me I already prefered the use of Donphans + Priority (especially since they are a lot more easy to get), but for Pokemon without priority-moves Misdreavus was my go-to so it got more expensive to use them. Edit: On the Plus side, the Arboks in Cerulean Cave now don't have a useable attacking move (since they don't hold berrys) so they can be defeatet with anything, that can do enough damage.
  13. Greetings, atm I'm buying the Tools for Navigation and now I'm thinking how you about the usefullness/worthness of these Items in general and for the seperate ones. Here're my takes: Already bought: I bought Tree Axe and Pick Axe first. Both are imo not good as attack moves and not having to carry a poke with them is pretty nice. Only bad thing is, that at Love Iseland you still need a pokemon. Shovel is expensive but it is quite nice since it freed up an Attack slot for my boss team, so I find it nice. It is a good attack on itself but freeing up a slot is more usefull for me. I just bought Flashlight, normaly I need it for 2 situations, in one I already have a poke with flash in the other I don't need all slots, so it's pure comfort, but I hop --------------------- Not bought jet: I haven't been to Sinnoh, so Abseil Rope does not seem usefull to me atm. Atm I'm torn if I buy a Dive Mask or the Sturdy Hiking Boots. On the one Hand I have pokemon with Waterfall (since it's a good Physical Water Attack for bosses) but on the other hand I don't really use Dive Spots atm If I buy either a Battering Ram or a Surf Mount I'd free up another atack slot on a pokemon for boss. Surf Mount is the cheaper obtion but the better attack. Both Attacks are strong enough to be usefull on their own so they are low priority. ---------------------- Overall I think I'll buy all of these Items before I will buy consumables or other items but I don't think all of them are created equal and I would not buy all of them for real cash. --------------- So, to repeat my question: What are your takes on these? Also, if you want, what do you think of my takes?
  14. In-game name: MomoT Server: Silver GMT Timezone: GMT +1 Evolve to Slowpoke by trading
  15. To chip in my 50 cents: For me, I do use it as a replacement or better set, as a next step for pokemon on level 60 or more. Since the Levels are the highest on that floor, I only train on the first floor (where the entrance is) There are two "areas" the water and the Land. Water is easier to judge, it has Psyduck, Goldduck and Slowpoke as common, and Slowbro as uncommon encounters. Bhimoso wrote this in his guide: So the takeaway for me is: Pokemon with Graß and Electric moves can be trained pretty easily in water, Pokemon with Dark and Bug moves have to potentialy flee from the Ducks. Defensewise if your pokemon resists (or is imune to) Water and/or Psychic Attacks, the cave is also a great place to train. You should be aware, that Slowpoke and Slowbro are tanky, so expect them to potentialy tank a few attaks before. It you're pokemon is weak against Psychic consider fleeing from the Slowpokes until you can oneshot them. On Land you'll encounter more pokemon, the common ones are Arbok, Electrode, Goldbat, Graveler, Machoke, Parasect, Primeape, Sandslash and Venomoth. You'll also enconter Ditto, Licktiung, Raichu, Rhyhorn and Rhrydon as uncommon pokemons. I'll skip the Rare ones. Most of these Pokes are the usual cave pokemon, so the same Rules apply: Water, Gras, Psychic, Electro, Fighting and Ground are effective to a good part of these, other types are harder to train since you'll have to flee more often. Also be aware, that Graveler as one of the most common pokemon often has Sturdy and will hit you with Stone Edge, Double Edge, Earthquake or Explosien which can give you some trouble. Also for training with Immunities, the Arboks, only know Poison-Attacks, so Steel-Types can be easily trained against it. My verdict for land is, that you have stronger Cave-Pokemon which makes it a better version of Victory Road to train BUT it has more clutter, which may drag it's eficency down. It your Pokemon is high level enough or has enough other typed attacks, that disadvantage will schrink. TLDR: Yes, for 80% it can replace Victory Road, but look out for more bad Matches who'll reduce efficency and may make it the worse choice.
  16. Thank you for the update, I hope your Pizza was delicious.
  17. Another great guide from you, thank you very much. As I just now wanted to look up Chansey and noticed, that you left out Happiny/Chansey/Blissey and also the Rhyhorn/Rhydon. So I'd like to report, that these are missing, I don't know if they're the only ones but all the others i looked up were included.
  18. Hey Since my last post I've build my team and won angainst some Bosses (Mostly on Medium atm). Now I stumbled into the Pigeotide-Quest and it got me thinking: As it's benefits for a debuffer are on the lower end (+ Speed is good against fast enemyi, +Def/SpDef are not that big, I think) I was thinking if we could have an relatively easy sweeper for a beginner? As it's stat leans towards SAtt, it would need 20+ IV SpAtt+Speed, 252 EV in SpAtt+Speed, Moves are Hurricane, HeatWave, RacorWind (until they make it a 2-Turned move) and as a last move (mainly against Stone-Types) Ominous Wind / Twister / HiddenPower( if it's a good Type)/Roost (Defensive but makes it bad against most Stone-Pokes) Wold that one be viable Option or do you think it's not worth it because of other reasons. Also, if it's viable, I'd argue it's also viable for Boss Beginners as the quest is imo about as easy/hard as to beat Nearo which is needed for your Special-Setup Option. What are your thoughts on that one? Edit: I found one Problem myself: Since you can't use the same Pokemon twice against a boss in Medium/Hard, you'd need another Physical debuffer or only use it against Bosses where you setup against an SpAtt-Pokemon
  19. Push
  20. Since the Trade Evolution Megathread is currently closed (after the deleveling-part was retired) I'd like to ask if theres a new thread for these requests. Else I have to request a Trade-Evolution here: Trade Request In-game name: Momot Server: Silver Timezone: GMT+2 I need help evolving my Machoke into a Machamp. I'm available from around 20 till 23:00 PM GMT+2.
  21. Trade Request In-game name: Momot Server: Silver Timezone: GMT+2 I need help evolving my Kadabra into an Alakazam, my Haunter into Gengar, my Machoke into Machamp and my Graveler into Golem. I'm available from right (Wednesday) now till 11:30 PM GMT+2. Thanks!
  22. Thank you, that's exactly what I asked for I'm atm training my pokemon and really hope, that the ones I think are good enough will hold up. If I get important insight I will share it, either here, or if it's big enough, in it's own threat.
  23. So, I took some time and had to read it quite some times, but let me refrase your answer, how I understood it: Some Pokemon don't need to care about defences. These are the roles, where they don't have to survive more than one hit. In this group you find some Mementoers, Hazard Geodude, Desteny-boder and Endevour-users. They normaly have either sturdy or carry a Focus Stash. Sweepers after Batton pass normaly don't need to be tanky. It can help them if things go wrong, but normaly they onehit the enemy before he can attack. Most of the times a Focus Stash is all defence that is needed The other roles, namly those that have to tank more than one hit (e.g. Batton Passer, Debuffer, Setup Sweeper), is where the defense Stats are relevant. In this case HP is always relevant. Def and SpeDef depend on the Pokemon you want set up. These depend on the boss. Most time you use the first Pokemon but for some Bosses you're better of defeating the first Pokemon with DestinyBond or Endevour and setup at the second (third is theoreticly also possible but then you loose roles in your setup) If the Pokemon you setup only has Physical moves you don't need Spedef on the Pokemon, if it has only Special moves the Def stat is useless. Some Pokes have mixed attacks, then a mixed Statset is needed. Since you want to minimize your needed pokemon, you Optimaly still have all defenive-stats, so you can use the same eg BattonPasser for many bosses. Debuffer are an exeption since you won't use a physical debuffer against a Special attacker. Since you want to debuff both sides a mixed debuffer needs both sides. Your Sweeper, if you want him to be somewhat tanky, needs all stats, since he potentially will be attacked by all Pokemon the Boss uses. So baring I did't make a mistake in my summary , let me ask my question again: For BattonPassers/Debuffers/... are there enough bosses that need a mixed defense-set to make it nessesarry to hunt for mixed ballanced pokemon, is it enogh to content with specialist (high def low Spedef or reverse) if you got him first or is one stategie good for beginners but after you got the hang on the easier bosses/ the easy and fore some medium setting, you probably need to change your team to manage the hard bosses/ hard setting? Same questions for other roles I forgot. For Sweeper/Tanks: Is it enough to have a balanced set (Def Nature but with IV and EV SpeDef at the same level) or is it better to have a maximum Def + rest Spedef and a Max Spedef + rest Def version of the same Pokemon lategame? I apologise for asking for clarifications but I would like to know if my thoughs went totally of the rails or if they're on the right track.
  24. Hey, again, I want you to bestow your wisdom (or at least your opinion) on me: I've started to gather Pokemon for the Team and now I have to choose which one is the best. My Problem is, that I've got Pokes with great def-Stats but trash SpeDeff (or reverse) and Pokes with decent balanced stats, but less than the other poke (Think 30 Deff, 12 Spedeff vs 21 deff and 21 Spedeff). So I'd like to ask you if the Specialist is bettter, since you know which type of attack to expect, if the generalist is better because you can't count on a pure moveset or if it depends on the role of the Poke (a SpeAtt debuffer doesn't need Def but the SetUp sweeper needs both) Can you help me out?
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