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Midsommar last won the day on November 2 2021

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About Midsommar

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Community Answers

  1. Hey there @Aditya118 @kiopzx Sincerest apologies for the delay, there was a miscommunication from my part which made this error last longer than it should have. The problem should now be fixed, you should have access to all the accounts that encountered this. Let me know if that's not the case
  2. The only thing I can really do is ask for a developer help to see if he's aware of what could potentially cause this. We cannot check if your account is being "locked", first because locked accounts are not a thing and there is no tools to look if an account is "locked" anyways. Being banned would bring an entirely different message and this is not the case here. It's more plausible Might sound okay-ish if this only happens twice, but it is a sub optimal option that simply wouldn't work. First you'd loose all your progress from any quest, including events or anything you ever did. If the issue would happen to multiple people then it would be an enormous problem and this is an extremely time consuming option. I'll see what can be done with developers if they are aware of the issue.
  3. You unlock the part about the gems after completing the task that the Aqua grunt gave you in mt.summer. You need to find the room with the correct sacred stone and interact with it to continue with your quest. Here is a video guide if you want to understand how to do it.
  4. Hi there @prenav7. In order to finish the quest you must make sure that you've spoken to both the Team Magma Leader at Mt. Summer Summit 2 and to the major Ahok in Vulcanic Town House 1. Can you make sure you've exhausted all their dialogues and make sure you received all their rewards as well ? This should unlock the path for you to proceed with the other part of the quest. Have a nice day
  5. Have you tried with another device other than a mobile like a PC ? I'm honestly not quite sure how to fix this issue, first time I see it happening with one character only.
  6. You seemingly changed your password on July 1st, were you able to connect after changing your password ?
  7. Since when did the problem happen ? Did you do something like changing your password before this happened ? Also, what happens when you try the 2 last options I mentioned ? Any error message ?
  8. Greetings @Aditya118 New issues arises from client release and as such it is impossible for us to be able to fix them all directly. Can you perhaps try the following ? - A clean re-install (Delete all files and re-install) - Try to reset your password. Do you have any special characters in your password (Do not show it here). If so, try removing those. - Using a VPN, such as cloudflare - By trying the following Furthermore, please keep your bumps to a rational minimum. You are only allowed to bump when going unanswered for at least 24 hours. Bumping after an hour of your post does realistically nothing, even if someone had the chance to be able to look into your post in the following hour the chance that a fix is already available is slim to none. That's besides the fact that we are volunteers and that staff members handle different sections of the forum.
  9. Greetings @Kitretsu05. Apologies for the inconvenience. The issue regarding android is known by the developers and they are trying to fix it as soon as possible. In the meantime I'd recommend keeping the game to PC currently if those freezes causes issues for you. Once the issue is fixed an announcement will be made in pro discord. Let me know if anything is unclear. Have a nice day
  10. Greetings @Salvuccio This part of the quest ends specifically when the player has spoken to the Team Magma Leader at Mt. Summer Summit 2 and to the major Ahok in Vulcanic Town House 1. Can you make sure you've exhausted all their dialogues and make sure you received all their rewards as well ? Looking forward to your answer
  11. Greetings @Royboy55. You will need to beat at least 6 gyms in your corresponding region (kanto here) in order to unlock ice beam, the TM13, in your department store shop. Once you've obtained enough badges the TM will simply appear and you will be able to purchase it for 9000 pokedollars. Let me know if anything is unclear Have a nice day
  12. Do you have any other detail about the Azumarill except for just the nature and ability ? Who did you usually lent it to ? You lended one to Dobuko but I can't be sure if that's the one The ID of the scizor is 66877566
  13. Done, can you check your PC to see if it's there ?
  14. The scizor you mentioned (with 3 HP) was lended to the user Clashking
  15. Greetings @Ashish171 This is not a bug, you released your Kyurem twice already. Seeing as Nikola is only there for accidental releases or faint while battling it this is no longer an option for you. In normal cases we would be able to restore your most recent one directly. Unfortunately in your case you released it on Gold while it was caught on the character currently on silver. We cannot restore it at the time, you would have to transfer back to Gold to do so. Let me know if anything is unclear
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