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Everything posted by Jhizen

  1. Hey You havent established the price of the RR, since this auction just started I will give you the chance to do so. Kind regards, Jhizen
  2. Hey @Jivitesh Keep in mind that you cant edit your bids to lower them. In addition min bid is 100k, so your 1.35m bid would've been invalid anyway. I will let it slide this time since there was an 1.4m bid after yours. Take this as a warning for the future. Repeating the same offense will lead to a punishment. Kind regards, Jhizen
  3. Make sure to read our trade and auction rules.
  4. Hey @Arielregev5 The 444k bid by @Zoro0001 is invalid since your minimum raise is 100k. In addition please make sure to provide evidence when you receive bids in game. Kind regards, Jhizen
  5. Hey @Madhavxdark The winner of the auction is @Leonardosenpai. The bid from @Boomsmoke was 6 minutes late. Kind regards, Jhizen
  6. Hey @Mainvijay @Charmandelaa @Hudaimas Just to clear things up, the auction outcome is correct and Hudaimas is the winner. The 15minutes rule that was mentioned on an earlier message is only applied if you receive a bid last 15minutes of the auction, which didnt happen here. Auctioner did a pretty good job here and no rules were broken. Kind regards, Jhizen
  7. Hey @Dazedeyes Avoid commenting on other people prices. Take this as a warning, if you continue this behavior punishment will follow. Kind regards, Jhizen
  8. Hey You can only have one thread active on each sub-forum. You currently have this, the Fennekin auction and the Charmander one. I will be locking all of your threads so you can make a new one with all of the Pokemons on the same thread. Also fix the images because currently they are broken. Kind regards, Jhizen
  9. Hey @Joksch96 @Lacomus @Qasar @Evieee This auction will be voided since the Eevee that was won in this auction was mistakenly traded to Joksch. Since I have gone ahead and fixed the auction I linked and Joksch is not the owner of the Eevee anymore and therefore this auction cannot be continued. @Joksch96 if you wish to restart the auction with just the Charizard and the Luxray please make a new thread. Kind regards, Jhizen
  10. Hey @Bobrk @Torarudean @Joksch96 The rightful winner of this auction is Torarudeon according to rule number 9. I have gone ahead and reversed the trade and forced it to the rightful wnner. Please make sure to read our auction and trades rules and be more careful on your future auction. Kind regards, Jhizen
  11. Hey Auction is over, Zeskyr is the winner with 5m. @Khontkarrk Please make sure to read our trade and auction rules to avoid future confusions. Trade has been forced and thread is locked. Kind regards, Jhizen
  12. Hey Auction isn't over as 15 minute rule must be applied. - Forum: If a bid is received in the final 15 minutes of the auction, the end point will be delayed by 15 minutes from that bid, and will be delayed by 15 minutes for each new bid thereafter, until the current offer has been held for a full 15 minutes. Must be accurate to the minute that the auction is set to end. @Zeskyr @Qasar @Khontkarrk Auction still on going co is Zeskyr with 4.7m.
  13. Hey If you mean that you are selling the Volcarona for 3m please edit your thread to make it clear. If you want to auction the Volcarona you will also have to edit your thread and follow the correct template for an auction. Starting offer: Start point: Ending point: Those above are mandatory in order to run an auction. In addition each offer you receive in game must be screenshoted and posted here. Keep in mind that you cannot use offers received outside of the auction to start the auction. With that being said I'll be locking this thread so you can decide what you want to do with the Volcarona, you can create a new one following what I said above. Kind regards, Jhizen
  14. If that's fine with you, you are free to do it. Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience the user has caused to you.
  15. I just noticed that the user completely ruined your auction by bidding earlier as well(the 500k bid) and the current winner should be Sahil with 450k, I will allow you to extend this auction for 1h, CO is 450k from Sahil.
  16. Hey @Nagasehat's instant isn't valid since they were suspended already when they posted their bid. Kio is the current highest bidder for Galvantula with 250k and auction continues from there.
  17. Hey The user posted their bid after their suspension therefore it's not valid. Fafouney still hold the higher co with 2m and auction continues from there.
  18. Hey @Nagasehat's bid isn't valid since they were suspended already by the time they posted it. Ayuzh still the highest co with 200k.
  19. Hey @Nagasehat bid isn't valid since their bid was after their suspension. Please go ahead and trade the pokemon to the 2nd highest bidder.
  20. Hey I have reversed the trade as Leafstoned was first to buy it. As we discussed in game please make sure to read our trade and auction rules before interacting further with our trade zones. If you have any questions about them feel free to ask on forums or our discord server. Kind regards, Jhizen
  21. Hey You will have to show evidence that someone did agree to buy it before the bid here on forums.
  22. Hey @Nxtaryan Since you failed to provide the proper evidence in order for the bids to be valid, @Haiiinyfe is the winner of this auction with the 100k bid. I have transferred the Pokemon in their account and added 100k in yours. Kind regards, Jhizen
  23. I understand your frustration but again not possible. We only force trades with valid reasons and in order to fix problems that are out of players hands.
  24. Hey After being warned you did the same thing again moments later. Proof of the pokemon being sold for 500k? Both users you mentioned Alen01 and Diego11 either do not exist or they dont have the money. @Haiiinyfe Remains the current highest bidder. Both Alen01 and Diego11 bids are invalid until you post the proof here. The gyarados will stay in my account until you post evidence of the bids or the bidder and winner shows up here, I will give you 24h. Meanwhile you are waiting for the auction to be over you might wanna check our trade rules and auction rules. Kind regards, Jhizen
  25. Hey I'm sorry to inform you but we do not provide these kind of services when the mistake is done by your side. You will have to complete the story on your alt account in order to get the pokemon out of it.
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