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Everything posted by Eon

  1. The 1m raffle prize has been forcefully removed from @Tymazen and added to the winner @Kins18 due to difficulties in meeting. With this, the event is concluded so will be locking the thread as a result. Take care.
  2. @NadzHAwkeye You and your alternate account from which the Chansey was traded illegitimately have been punished for a Poorly Handled Auction. As you are aware, it was sold before the end point. Your trade with @Hanine2 has been reversed, meaning the 800k were returned, while the Chansey was transferred to @Shiningshade's alternate - Goldenkid. 2 Coin Capsules and 130k (2*385 + 130 = 900) have been deducted from the winner and added to the auctioneer. Apologies for the inconvenience. Locked as there's no further action to take and the thread has served its purpose. Take care.
  3. @Sussy Reminder that you are only allowed to bump your thread once every 24 hours, as mentioned in the Forum Rules: Being a short auction and acknowledging bids in the midst of it, there is no reason to bump to bring the thread up. Locked as the thread has served its purpose. Take care.
  4. @Bermie25 You were punished for a Poorly Handled Auction. Accepted Payments weren't defined in the thread so these could not be used as currency. Since it's been sold and subsequently used, cannot reverse back to the proper outcome which would be the Kommo-o for 1.5m fully in Pokedollars which the winner could afford. You've also massively overbumped your thread. Reminder that you can only bump it once every 24 hours, as mentioned in the Forum Rules: @Vermilionz To note that your offer came in 1 minute after the end point that was extended 15 minutes from the previous offer, therefore invalid. Locked as there's no further action to take and the thread has served its purpose. Take care.
  5. The Rotom-Wash trade was forced to the buyer's unavailability. The Pokemon has been transferred to @Rayn139 from which 5 Master Balls were removed and added to @Aventureur. Take care.
  6. Understood. Thank you for reaching out, don't hesitate in making a new thread for additional questions. Locked as resolved. Take care.
  7. Since it's started, cancelling is no longer an option. You'll have to honour the trade with the winner. Let me know of any additional doubt or concern you may have on this matter. Looking forward to your reply.
  8. @Lequangminh2212 Do not comment off-topic in trade threads and use offensive terms towards other players. The related posts have been deleted. Repeated will result in a formal forum warning issued to your account. If you have a problem with a title, use the Report button under the post to bring it to our attention and we'll review it and take action if deemed warranted. @PisForPenguin Tagging Trade Moderators won't make yourself noticed. The Report button under a post will. Some of us might have those notifications disabled, and even if enabled, we follow so many reports and appeals that it easily gets lost in the midst of them. Reporting ensures the fastest reply possible as the entire team is aware and is notified to us separately from the remaining notifications. The outcome has been forced due to the winner's unavailability. The Tyranitar has been transferred to @JTofty from whom 500k were removed and added to @PisForPenguin. Locked as there's no further action to take and the thread has served its purpose. Take care.
  9. Hello @MrdeadpoolRP, Which auction are you referring to specifically? Can you please link it? The only restriction of cancelling is if the auction has already started, as mentioned in the Auction Rules: Looking forward to your reply.
  10. Hello @Myalt, The Froakie has been returned to Zayan10 - the account from which it originated from. If you find yourself with similar region locked issues in the future, please use the Region Locked Pokemon Megathread to let us know. Locked as resolved. Take care.
  11. @Abomasnow15 Too many rules have been broken in this auction in both in-game and in this thread. You've been punished accordingly for Violation of Auction Rules. Highly advise you read them to prevent future infractions. Locked as this auction is void. Apologies to the bidders for the inconvenience. Take care.
  12. The outcome of the auction has been forced due to bidder's inactivity in the last couple of days. The Metagross has been transferred to @Denverviper from whom 3m were removed and added to @Precipitous. Locked as there's no further action to take and the thread has served its purpose. Take care.
  13. @Gatso You have to acknowledge every bid with a screenshot in order for it to be valid. Please read the Auction Rules before creating your next auction. Locked as void. Take care.
  14. @Precipitous The auction has ended less than a day ago. Forcing an outcome is not a service, is a last resort when it's deemed you are having difficulties in meeting for whatever reason. If after 48 hours of attempting to reach each other and failed, then it will be forced. If you do manage to meet in the meantime, please post a screenshot of the trade window when completing it. Do not sell the Metagross to anyone else, you have an agreement to honour with the winner who has the means to follow through with his bid. Take care.
  15. @kamaleshkl Reminder that you are only allowed to bump your thread once every 24 hours, as instructed in the Trade Rules: The overbump has been deleted. Please keep this in mind in the future. Good luck in your auction.
  16. @PokesquadNoah Your title has been adjusted - removed the unclear end point from there for clarity and added to the opening post (9 days from the moment it was posted) and removed the mention that an insta price would be added as it goes against the Auction Rules: Please familiarise yourself with them if you haven't already. Also, please refrain from setting up auctions with abnormal and excessive duration because you are trade banned. Out of respect for the bidders that offered, it won't void but it shouldn't be common practise. Good luck.
  17. No, because you are forcing players from the opposite server to pay your fee if they decide to bid. It's not an agreement when it's unilateral. If the winner doesn't mind transferring in order to meet you, then he is free to do so, since you would both agree in that scenario. Any other question or concern feel free to send me a forum PM, so we don't fill your thread with replies that aren't bids. Good luck in your auction.
  18. @Precipitous As the thread's creator, you are responsible for transferring and meeting the buyer, as mentioned in the Cross Server sub-forum's rules: Removed that part from the opening post to be according to the rules in place. Good luck in your auction.
  19. @Raggee55 Removed this part of your opening post: It's not understandable what you mean by this. Nevertheless, as the thread's creator, you are responsible for transferring in case the buyer is in the opposite server, as instructed in this sub-forum's rules: Good luck in your auction.
  20. The outcome of the 1st Beldum auction has been forced due to difficulties in meeting. The Pokemon was transferred to @Royalboss from whom 75k were removed and added to @Tristatic. Reminder to use the Report button underneath a post to let us know of any infraction or matter you are needing assistance with. Take care.
  21. Locked as the Pokemon has left the auctioneer's possession and actions have been taken for the misconducts and rule breaking. Take care.
  22. These raffles are not sponsored by PRO Staff and therefore are in no way official. Due to how big these events can get and affect a large group of players, they require Trade Moderator approval, which has been given. Before it comes into fruition, it's discussed everything that you can think of regarding the event - planning, clauses, course of action, etc. Being an event that involves trading, the Trade Rules apply, namely: Which are defined by: To ensure that no rule is broken, the organiser has the main duties: Transparency: Every ticket sale must be acknowledged with its respective number so it's clear who owns which ticket. The process which defines the winner must be broadcasted live via stream. Honesty: Cannot back off from the agreement nor participate himself. Every ticket sold must be legitimate. Must have no influence over the definition of the winner (cannot rig the raffle in any way shape or form, such as fixing the winner). To ensure the rules are enforced, the Trade Moderator has the main duties: Monitor: Follow the raffle thread. Compare the trades that have occurred with what's been acknowledged on the thread. Check if any buyer is being missed and every raffle is legitimate. An example of an illegitimate raffle would be buying a ticket, it gets acknowledged and then the trade is reversed - meaning this ticket would free, which isn't fair. Investigate who is buying and what possible relationship it may have with the organiser. An alternate account would warrant immediate action. Players of the same guild or prior extensive trade history with the organiser are red flags but allowed, to keep a close eye on in the definition of the winner. Review the broadcast and the website used to randomise. Ensure the winner receives the value agreed and where does it end up ultimately. Ending up back in the organiser's pocket would be an obvious sign of scam. Take action in case of infraction: Immediate cancellation of the event. Punish the perpetrator(s). Reverse every single ticket purchased (refund). If the organiser does everything by the book, the event will run smoothly. If the organiser does not follow the rules, Trade Moderators will know and won't hesitate in fixing the mess. In terms of risk, the organiser and possible accomplices are putting their accounts on the line. Ticket buyers risk not winning the raffle and subject themselves to RNG. In case of any doubt or concern, feel free to drop a forum PM where will do my best to clarify you. Good luck to every party involved.
  23. @Manthis Reminder that you are only allowed to bump your thread once every 24 hours, as mentioned in the Trade Rules: The overbump has been deleted. Please keep this in mind in the future. Good luck in your auction.
  24. @Xenomatej You need to read the Auction Rules before creating your next auction. Quoting the rule that prevents sniping: You've created unnecessary confusion in your auction. The winner is @Kiona with the 6m offer since the end point was delayed and this offer has been held for a full 15 minutes. Please arrange a meeting with the winner and post a screenshot of the trade window when completing it. Take care.
  25. @Kaido21 You can only bump your thread once every 24 hours, as mentioned in the Trade Rules: In a short auction there is no need to bring it up. Please keep this in mind moving forward. Good luck in your auction.
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