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Everything posted by Eon

  1. @Mutsumy For having sold the Pokemon before the end point, you have been punished for a Poorly Handled Auction. @Jmun Due to this Rotom been fully EV trained and gained considerable levels since the trade, it's not possible to reverse the outcome. It would be unfair to the player that acquired it, that would lose the time/money investment. Will be locking the thread as there's no further action to take. Apologies for the inconvenience. Take care.
  2. @daftgenius For reference to help you manage your future auctions, will analyse this one instead of just telling you who won. Start point: 04/05 10:12 AM GMT+0. Duration: 24 hours. End Point: 05/05 10:12 AM GMT+0. 1.3m offer received on 05/05 10:09 AM GMT+0. Being in the last 15 minutes, the preventive snipe rule applies. Updated End Point: 05/05 10:24 AM GMT+0. 1.4m offer received on 05/05 10:26 AM GMT+0. 2 minutes after the End Point, therefore invalid. The winner is @Dante3 with the 1.3m offer. Please arrange a meeting with the winner and post a screenshot of the trade window when completing it. Take care.
  3. @Sayainji Strongly recommend you read our Trade Rules and Auction Rules. An auction isn't void because the winner is offline at the end point - its outcome must be honoured. If you trade the auctioned Shiny Marill to anyone else besides the winner, it will be reversed and action will be taken for a Poorly Handled Auction. You will attempt to arrange a meeting with the winner @YeagerHaze and post a screenshot of the trade window when completing it. If in the next 48 hours you are having difficulties in meeting, you can use the Report button under a post to bring it to the Trade Moderator team's attention and we will help to force it. You have also overbumped your thread. You may only bump it once within 24 hours, as stated in the Forum Rules. Repeated will warrant a formal forum warning issued to your account. Additionally, this thread was posted on the wrong sub-forum. Have moved to the correct one. Good luck in your other auction.
  4. @rajkkapadia Edited the OP to be concordant with the current Trade Rules. It was breaking the following: If the winner is from Gold, there is no obligation to pay an additional value. You are the one responsible to meet the buyer. Since the auction has started, it's also no longer possible to be cancelled to your accommodation. Good luck.
  5. @Theghost713 The 900k bid you've received was false. Due to this, the 1m bid is null. The perpetrator has been punished for False Offering. Edited the OP to be concordant with the current offer. The thread has also been moved to the correct sub-forum, as this is an event Pokemon. @Lavkush Your 1m bid was void. Feel free to re-bid knowing that the current offer is 800k. The related posts have been deleted. Apologies for the inconvenience. Good luck to every party participating.
  6. The outcome of the Porygon2 auction has been forced due to difficulties in meeting. The Pokemon has been transferred to @hoaidiep from whom 300k were removed and added to @Blessed. Will be locking the thread as it's served its purpose. Take care.
  7. @TastyParty Referring to the Trade Zone forum rules: Merged all your threads in this sub-forum to pass on this notification to you. Locked the thread also since the information regarding the sales were put in the titles that were lost in the merging. You're free to have one active thread in which you may sell up to 5 Pokemon. If you wish to sell all these at the same time, please use the Shop sub-forum. For more information you can read the Trade Rules. Take care.
  8. @Adam Please read the Auction Rules. This auction has broken the following: Be wary these are grounds to void an auction, but would be pointless in this case since you've announced the end point right after. Repeated in the future and it may result in your auctions being cancelled. Announce the duration/end point when creating the thread to avoid issues. Good luck.
  9. @ArieSlinger If you're unsure on who won, you can use the Report button to request the assistance of a Trade Moderator. The rightful winner would be the holder of the 7.3m offer. The 7.4m offer was made 6 minutes after the ending point, therefore invalid. Be wary that selling to the wrong person warrants action for a Poorly Handed Auction. You've also bumped more than once within 24 hours, which is against the Forum Rules. Give them a read if you haven't already. Unfortunately the winner has been bidding nonexistent Pokedollars on the account. @kishanb1112002 For not having the means to honour your offer, and effectively ruining this auction, you have been punished for False Offering. This auction is void, and as a result will be locked. Apologies for the inconvenience to all parties involved. Take care.
  10. The outcome of these auctions has been forced due to difficulties in meeting. The Pokemon have been transferred to @Avanox2 from whom 180k were removed and added to @vidima. Will be locking the thread as it's served its purpose. Take care.
  11. The outcome of this auction has been forced due to difficulties in meeting. The Larvesta has been transferred to @Pouettepoutine from whom 1 Coin Capsule was removed and added to @CheatC0de. Will be locking the thread as it's served its purpose. Take care.
  12. The Shiny Alomomola auction has been forced due to the winner being currently trade banned. The Pokemon has been transferred to @Subhammaster from whom 3.25m have been removed and added to @KimStarz. Good luck in your remaining sales.
  13. The Gible auction has been forced due to language barrier between winner and auctioneer. The Pokemon was transferred to @iCacherazo from whom 100k were removed and added to @KATowiczanin (alt holder of the Gible). Good luck in the remaining auctions.
  14. @Kowiit The auctioneer is capable of bumping by himself, therefore yours are unwarranted. This auction also doesn't concern you, so repeated will result in a formal forum warning issued to your account. Hope it doesn't get to that point and this verbal warning suffices. The off-topic posts have been deleted to keep the thread clean. Good luck with the auction.
  15. The outcome of the auction has been forced due to difficulties in meeting. The Volcarona was transferred to @Bangjago from whom 700k were removed and added to @Pitroipa. Will be locking the thread as it's served its purpose. Take care.
  16. @Riddoe Since no one started the auction, the seller is free to cancel and trade it away. There's nothing to address. Will be locking the thread as the Pokemon is no longer in the OP's ownership. Take care.
  17. @Lavkush If from now on any offer doesn't include specifically the value, it won't be valid. This applies for anyone that partakes. We're not about to have pages of +minimum raise posts and having bidders, auctioneer and Trade Moderators count them. Counting is hard. Hope was clear. Current offer is 2.1m. Good luck.
  18. The winner of this auction is @Ssolo with the 2m offer, made on 17/04 1:58PM GMT+0. @Eunia your offer was made on 20/04 4:29AM GMT+0 which was after the ending point. @ArieSlinger Please arrange a meeting with the winner and post the screenshot of the trade window when completing it. Be attentive in the future, as trading to an illegitimate winner is punishable. If you are having trouble meeting, use the Report button so we can assist in forcing. Take care.
  19. @Boo347 Every in-game offer must be acknowledged with a screenshot. Due to no screenshots of the 1.3m and 1.5m offers, the current offer is 1.2m by @Testarossaa. You can also only bump your thread once every 24 hours. In a 24 hour auction there's no need to bump with updated times left. The overbumping have been deleted. Make sure to familiarise yourself with the Trade Rules, Auction Rules and Forum Rules to prevent future rule breaking and possibly sanctions to your account. Good luck in your auction.
  20. Welcome back @futz. Unfortunately, will have to close this thread as it's developing in a bidding war that puts you on a higher ground in comparison with the ones interested. In order to handle it properly, you must verbally reject an offer you're not willing to take, as soon as possible. Until you're happy with an offer, which again, you must post as soon as possible to let everyone know. If you sit back and watch buyers battling out, your thread will be closed. You can also only consider private offers. That way you can have more control over how the sale is being conducted. Without letting the interested know of the best offer, nor adding an ending point, etc. For more information you can read the Trade Rules and Auction Rules. You'll get a better grip of how current trades are being ruled, and perhaps choose to auction some of these Pokemon. If you have any doubts, you can use the General Support sub-forum where we'd more than happy to clarify. Or use the Complaint Area if you choose to keep those doubts in private. Take care.
  21. @LuisAnddre You were punished for violating several Auction Rules which I highly advise you give them a read. Saying is not an auction and at the same time treating it like one, doesn't make it right. To the ones interested - please report this type of situations in the future. In trading, seller and buyer should be on equal footing. When there's outbidding in an unlawful auction, the seller can wait for the buyers to fight it out until there's one last standing, and still has the option to not commit to that price. The seller has all the rights but no duties, while buyers are shooting themselves in the foot. Definition of unfairness - lack of equality. To whomever is purchasing these Pokemon, know that you are not bound by the rules to follow through with the trade. You can still back out and there won't be any consequences. Will be locking the thread as there's no further action to take regarding it. Take care.
  22. @rinoc You were punished for a Poorly Handled Auction. Offers must be acknowledged in order to be valid. The trade with @Choxx has been reversed, which received the 200k back. The outcome has been forced to the rightful winner - @isildurr2x - who received the Pokemon, 150k were removed and added to the auctioneer. Apologies to every party for the inconvenience caused. Will be locking the thread as it's served its purpose and there's no further action to take. Take care.
  23. @SarmsF @Cyanirl @araragiKun You're all experienced players that should know how commenting on trade threads works. Sellers may sell at the price they wish, within reason (trolling obviously not allowed). If you feel it's too high, you can private message the seller, respectfully, as an advise. It's also not your place to find titles inappropriate. Report and let Trade Moderators handle it. Community defined terminology (godly, epic, etc.) is not enforced due to its subjectivity. What's godly to some, isn't to others. There isn't an IV table that defines these. To stay out of trouble, in order to keep trade threads clean, either keep the comments to yourselves or use the appropriate channels to report your concern so it can be addressed. @Strelitzia02 Please use the Report button to bring these situations to our attention in the future and do not reply to them. It's easier for everyone that way. Will be locking the thread as the Pokemon has already been traded, so it no longer serves purpose. Take care.
  24. @KierM Your account is on Gold, so any agreement is void since these are to be sold in Silver. @Hisoka007 As spoken in-game, you no longer were interested in purchasing these Pokemon. Apologies for the delayed support. @Sp00py The trades have been forced. Those Pokemon should be in the last slots of your PC and 145k have been removed from your account. @Xytreh 145k have been added to your account while the aforementioned Pokemon are no longer in it. Will be locking the thread due to inactivity. If you wish it to be reopen, use the Report button to let the Trade Moderator team know so we can oblige. Take care.
  25. To be clear - the winner of this auction is @Bangjago with the 700k offer. @Denkroce's offer was made past the ending point, therefore invalid. @Pitroipa Please post the screenshot of the trade window when completing it with the winner. Take care.
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