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Everything posted by Jamesling95

  1. Re: Mega PvP epic Shop *.* (New Updated!!!) <r><QUOTE author="bodnar"><s> </e></QUOTE> i accept rare candy trade for each 10k <E>:Shy:</E><e> </e></QUOTE> then I need 30k xD i got a prism scale if u can take that lol<e> </e></QUOTE> got smoke ball or focus sash?</r>
  2. Re: Mega PvP epic Shop *.* (New Updated!!!) <r><QUOTE author="bodnar"><s> </e></QUOTE> updated one salamence from johto, 300k only<e> </e></QUOTE> sounds like i need 40k<e> </e></QUOTE> i accept rare candy trade for each 10k <E>:Shy:</E></r>
  3. totally agree you bro :Cool:
  4. Re: Mega PvP epic Shop *.* (New Updated!!!) <r>new kingdra and salamence added <E>:Sing:</E></r>
  5. Re: Mega PvP epic Shop *.* (New Updated!!!) <r><QUOTE author="bodnar"><s> </e></QUOTE> Arc= 650k, machamp=400k, ninetales=1.2M <E>:Grin:</E><e> </e></QUOTE> got any lvl 100 pokemon thats not ev trained, i need something to help beat elite 4 for (johto)<e> </e></QUOTE> updated one salamence from johto, 300k only</r>
  6. Re: (New Guild On Red) TheOrganization. Recruiting. <r>All the best for ur new guild <E>:y:</E></r>
  7. Re: Mega PvP epic Shop *.* (New Updated!!!) <r><QUOTE author="bodnar"><s> </e></QUOTE> Arc= 650k, machamp=400k, ninetales=1.2M <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  8. I think focus sash is better buy it with 20k 5 :Crazy:
  9. you restart the client and select again blue server, if the problem still persist then need to report it to staff
  10. will be great if you provide ID or pic of the pokemon that you released
  11. it is better if you have the pokemon ID with pic shown to the staff
  12. Hey nice to meet you
  13. when the server under maintenance or crash, you are not able to access
  14. woo ur good
  15. Nice to meet you, and good luck for the guild :y:
  16. Thanks for showing :Heart:
  17. Jamesling95


    it have been suggested and I think shane may doing something on it
  18. https://pokemonrevolution.net/Downloads.php download under android client, it should work
  19. Re: Mega PvP epic Shop *.* (New Updated!!!) <t>Blissey sold in game</t>
  20. welcome to forum mate
  21. Re: I'm Back on Youtube ! <r>Goodluck for the pvp <E>:y:</E></r>
  22. Re: (New Guild On Red) TheOrganization <t>All the best for the guild</t>
  23. maybe some water waves effect :y:
  24. upon fully trained will be around 5M++
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