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Everything posted by Paprikaflow

  1. No I farmed with membership. I used a mini ms anyway just out of curiosity anyway
  2. I added some time to my membership now it works. Don´t know if it´s luck or there is an other reason. Ty, topic can be closed
  3. I know its no general problem, but i thought i might be something with my account, when u need 15 repels and i do 350 it´s strange to me
  4. Hi, since the changed spawns for hippopotas i havent found 1 Pokemon by using the repel trick. I searched for hippopotas two days without any spawn using 350+ Max Repels Now searching Deino I already used over 100 Max Repels 0 spawn I know both spawns are limited to a daytime and in the case of hippo to membership. Also i checked the levels etc., changed the pokemon in the first spot, tried it alive or fainted. I know about bad luck but that seems different. I can´t be exactly sure when it started since I dont repel everyday, but 0 spawns in 3 days and while using 450+ Max Repels. This doesn´t seem to be a general problem, but maybe there is a way to "refresh" the account or sth.
  5. are you playing stall, cause the higher the rating the higher the chance you are stalling. I dont hear a lot of not stall players complaining about greninja, eventhough I think its definitly a strong mon
  6. Totally agree with the sableye ban. Might understand mawile since you need a real counter against it But just banning the stall breakers is really too much. It simply benefits the stall players, which take all the fun out of the game, with a team that requieres the least skill. So why you are helping players that destroy the game, just so they can feel better about themselfes, with ratings and wins they dont deserve. Why promote a tactic that is forbidden in any entertaining big sport or game?
  7. +1 way too strong/unfair and toxic to meta & fun
  8. I was in the middle of catching a bulbasaur via the pve coin shop and got disconnected. Now the poke is gone and so are my pve coins. Can you help me with that issue?
  9. Servus, ein Kumpel und ich haben vor ein paar Wochen (wieder) angefangen und wären interessiert. Habt ihr noch 2 Plätzchen frei?
  10. Hey, thanks a lot. It worked!
  11. Thanks, hope to hear from you soon.
  12. The Situation: I am Champ of all 4 Regions I got the Megabraclett I went to Snowpoint - but there was no Cynthia in the PokeCenter I also checked the ruins in Celestic Town, but there was also nobody. I really cannot understand where the problem is. Do I need to Mega-Evolve annother Pokemon first?
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