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Everything posted by Paprikaflow

  1. Player name: Paprikaflow Server: Gold Timezone: GMT +2 Rank on ladder: 20
  2. Player name: Paprikaflow Showdown name: Paprikaflow Server: Gold Timezone: GMT+ 1 Rank on Ladder: 25
  3. Vote: Ban Account name: Paprikaflow Server: Gold
  4. Player name : Paprikaflow Showdown name : Paprikaflow Server : gold Timezone : GMT +1 Rank on ladder : 19 Discord: Paprikaflow#9085
  5. I would prefere to keep OU and rotate randoms with UU and such. I think that should be an option too
  6. I do like the idea very much. I think it could be a great step. But in consideration of you recent policy, I want to ask not to make the quest too hard. The game gets more and more frustrating, with progressive difficulty. I don't mean, "give us everything for free", but I am wishing for proportionality. Like reaching Top 25 at the end of the season seems excessive, because a lot of people would if they had any chance. This might be a quest you can never fullfill, but reaching Top 50 once (not end of the season) might be more realistic. So thank you for the idea, I am looking very much forward to it and hope you will have a little mercy with us
  7. ty I am at work rn. I can come online in approx. 6h Ingame Name is the same as here
  8. 1.6m
  9. s.o.
  10. Very good ideas, would be a great help Would be nice to get some support for the guild management, since guilds/the community is an important aspect, why people continue playing the game
  11. Hi, my pc crashed instantly after I entered the queue, but since my pc freezes first and than shuts down, it is possible that I already was in the teampreview.
  12. Hi, today I had the double loss bug, which you apperantly tried to fix. I never had that bug before btw. It happend around 18:30 GMT+2 so after the updates. I started pvp queue, my pc crashed instantly. After I restarted the game, I couldn't play for 10 minutes, but had two new losses and lost 38 rating (127 to 89).
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