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Everything posted by Darthxd

  1. start price: 2m Pokedollars or: Coin Capsules: 400k Reroll Tickets: 700k Reroll Nature: 350k rare candy 7k
  2. start price: 1m minimium bid: 100k insta: 2m time: 3h after started Pokedollars or: Coin Capsules: 400k Reroll Tickets: 700k Reroll Nature: 350k rare candy 7k
  3. it is not here on the forum that this is done, my partner
  4. i buy blaziken naughty, infernape jolly and talonfame lonely
  5. you can inspect someone in some pokemon center, if this person has a high number of hours played for sure he is someone trustworthy to make the switch. so you send a message to him and make the exchange, simple
  6. +1 it would even be great that when using the teleport on hoenn the pokemon would not be healed, as well as the teleport on sinnoh
  7. Chansey sold to @bugasuga (unregistered profile)
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