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Everything posted by Acetzy

  1. lovely store ^^
  2. If you ever so accidentally trick on wild Pokemon, you can do it again before running from battle to re-swap it.
  3. I'm really sorry for the loss bro.
  4. Damn nice Ferro except the speed part
  5. Maybe you accidentally used trick with wild Pokemon?
  6. i have one 28+ if you ignore the nature lowered stat.
  7. do you have discord to contact?
  8. Wanted to offer for skar but traded before auction ends . Grats
  9. Looks like you wanna get punishment
  10. Don't withdraw bid. It's still going
  11. Skarmory hasn't ended
  12. Absolutely loved the use of colors. +1
  13. That's right but switching is only 100 coins I think?
  14. Welcome to PRO RREMOLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I hope you will enjoy this game and do reach out if you need any kind of help.
  15. 2m220k skar 1m760k glis
  16. 4m520k mag
  17. 1m220k glis
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