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Everything posted by Eetaachee

  1. @Shadowgamer0 you won
  2. C.O. 450k by Shadowgamer0 Min Bid 50k Insta 1.2m Ends in 48hours from start End Point - 11:03pm 16/2/24 IST GMT +5.30 Accepted Payments - Pokedollars and Coin Capsules (410k)
  3. @007iqbal you won mate. Let me know when you are online.
  4. Started by our favorite Cyan
  5. C.O. 450k by 007iqbal Min Bid 50k Ends in 24hours from start End Point - 2:06am 13/2/24 IST GMT +5.30 Accepted Payments - Coin Capsule (400k), IV Reroll (500k) and Pokedollars
  6. C.O. 2.7m by Crazymad Min Bid 100k End in 24hrs from start End Point - 1:24am 12/2/24 IST GMT +5.30 Accepted payment methods - Coin Capsules (400k), IV Rerolls (520k) and Pokedollars
  7. @Minhie you won.
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