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Everything posted by Eetaachee

  1. C.O. 150k by Metalgreymon Min Bid 50k No Insta Ends in 24hrs from start End point- 5:06pm 16/08/23 IST GMT+5.30 Accept cash only
  2. C.O. 650k by Renaciente Min Bid 50k Insta 1m Ends in 12hrs from start End Point- 2:37am 15/08/23 IST GMT +5.30 Accept In-game Cash and CC(390k)
  3. @Fercholarga you won mate,let me know when we can trade.
  4. C.O. 750k by Fercholarga Min Bid 100k Insta 1.5m Auction ends in 24hrs from start End point- 5:36pm 13/08/23 IST GMT +5.30 In-game Cash and CC(380k) accepted
  5. C.O. 900k by Zinh Min Bid 50k No Insta Ends in 24hrs from start End point- 5:05pm 12/8/23 IST GMT +5.30 Accept CC(380k) and Cash
  6. +1
  7. @Kboww you won, my good sir.
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