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Everything posted by Eetaachee

  1. @Fenermania he has godly umbreon he told me once, wanted 70m iirc.
  2. C.o. 201k by Ahir Min bid 25k Insta 1m Ends- 1:10am 1/5/23 IST GMT +5.30 Accept Pokedollars only.
  3. I got 3 pokemons(larvitar,tentacool,pinsir)
  4. @Rajkkapadia you won GG! Let me know when we can trade.
  5. +1 Let's not keep a bug as a feature.
  6. C.o. 3.8m by Rajkkapadia Min bid 200k Insta 6m Accept Cash and CC(380k). Auction ends- 2:21am 23/4/23 IST GMT+5.30
  7. Thanks everyone.
  8. +1 Also add Venipede too.
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