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Everything posted by Eetaachee

  1. C.O. 600k by Bhimoso Min bid 100k Insta 2m Ends- 2:22am 15/10/22 IST GMT+5.30 Accept CC(370k) and Pokedollars.
  2. .
  3. co 1m by Thunderspy
  4. C.o. 900k by Sweatyabdus
  5. Thanks man. Started. Ends 2:54am 10/10/22 IST GMT +5.30
  6. C.O. 1.3m by Scrubdoodle Min bid 100k Insta 2.8m Auction ends- 2:54am 10/10/22 IST GMT +5.30 Accept CC(380k) and Pokedollars!
  7. Anytime ^.^
  8. @Vermilionz
  9. Priorities- 1) Shiny Roggenrola or evo 2) Shiny Tepig or evo 3) Shiny Rockruff or Lycanroc Midnight 4) Shiny Umbreon(any defensive/sp defensive nature) 5) Shiny Pawniard or evo(atk/speed+ nature with Defiant ability) 6) Shiny H.a. Ditto 7) Shiny H.a. Careful Gligar or evo Pm me here or in discord (Eetaachee#6113) even if you have any other rare blue shinies.
  10. Priorities- 1) Shiny Roggenrola or evo 2) Shiny Tepig or evo 3) Shiny Rockruff or Lycanroc Midnight 4) Shiny Umbreon 5) Shiny Pawniard or evo 6) Shiny H.a. Ditto 7) Shiny H.a. Careful Gligar or evo Pm me here or in discord (Eetaachee#6113) if you have any other rare blue shinies.
  11. Priorities- 1) Shiny Roggenrola or evo 2) Shiny Tepig or evo 3) Shiny Rockruff or Lycanroc Midnight 4) Shiny Umbreon(any defensive/sp defensive nature) 5) Shiny Pawniard or evo(atk/speed+ nature with Defiant ability) 6) Shiny H.a. Ditto 7) Shiny H.a. Careful Gligar or evo Pm me here or in discord (Eetaachee#6113) even if you have any other rare blue shinies.
  12. Moved to silver now. Lmk when u can trade.
  13. Bumperino,around 1hr 30mins left
  14. Just hit the report button and ask mod to force trade.
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