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Everything posted by Eetaachee

  1. sorry someone already bid 75k in game before u. to bid,u have to bid 275k as c.o. is 250k.
  2. Started by Nhokpies
  3. C.O. 250k Min bid 25k Insta 750k Ends- 1:04am 11/09/22 IST GMT +5.30 Accept cash and CC(380k)!
  4. Can you check discord?
  5. @Gato666 you won the auction mate.
  6. I am available now to trade
  7. 1hr 36mins remaining for this hp grass semi epic shiny
  8. +1k scyther
  9. +69k scyther
  10. HP Grass Sp Attacker C.o. 131k No insta Ends- 6:54pm 11/9/22 IST gmt +5.30 Accept CC(380k),IV RR(680k) and Pokedollars!
  11. Send toto and pork.
  12. Yea it is visible now
  13. @Phanikumarchange your name to funnykumar
  14. @Kaelthasyou won. Contact me here or on discord Mr. Hola#6113
  15. 750k
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