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Everything posted by Eetaachee

  1. 30 mins remaining. Don't miss this opportunity.
  2. Don't worry,if RNG gods favour you, shinies will rain on you. If they don't,no matter what,you are not getting them. Chances are really low as well. I only and only hunt in this game and have 1.6k hrs and 0 rare shinies. Some get 1 in 50hrs as well. Just pray to the RNG gods and you will be good and the staffs look after everything,so just enjoy this beautiful piece. I have a love-hate relationship because luck does not favour me in most cases. Just don't leave the game if that happens to you. May the odds be in your favour.
  3. C.o. 1m380k by Solrac9 Min bid 100k Auction ends- 12:42am 26/9/22 IST GMT+5.30 Auction gets extended due to 15mins rule Accept Cash and CC(380k).
  4. You won mate. Pm me ign or discord.
  5. C.o. 900k Min bid 100k Insta 2m Ends- 9:02pm 22/9/22 IST GMT +5.30 Accept Pokedollars and CC(380k) and IV Reroll(670k).
  6. Blastoise requirements?
  7. Buy your heatran counter and 1hko it. C.o. 340k Min bid 50k Insta 1.2m Ends- 3:19pm,18/9/22 IST GMT +5.30 Accept CC(380k) and Pokedollars!
  8. Times like this,I wish I was rich. GL!
  9. 4m69k EZ
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