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Everything posted by Eetaachee

  1. Noted mate
  2. Noted mate
  3. C.O.- 600k by Vermilionz Min bid- 50k Insta- 1.5m Auction ends 12:46 am 1st May,2022 IST. Happy Bidding!
  4. Sold to Harry17 for 300k
  5. 606k then?
  6. 600k
  7. CO 250k by Pukimai
  8. 150k by Lol0190
  9. Started by Siiorspro
  10. SOLD Min bid 50k Insta 1m Auction ends at 1:10 am,27th April,2022 IST. Payments Accepted: CC, IV and Nature Reroll, and Pokedollars Happy Bidding!
  11. SOLD. And sorry,I thought I took the screenshot but it didn't work I don't know why. @Illegit can confirm that it is done. Hence, please close.
  12. Co 500k by Stu91
  13. Co- 450k by Viriziontr
  14. CO-300k by Redtigerx
  15. 250k by Katara93
  16. Started by Deita
  17. C.O.-550k by Illegit Min bid-50k Insta-1m Auction ends at 4:07 pm, 25th April,2022 IST Payments Accepted: CC, Nature RR and IV RR and Pokedollars. Happy Bidding!
  18. Are the prices fixed? If not,I could buy sneasel for 150k?
  19. bump
  20. Co-450k
  21. Started by Xavier2407,co-400k
  22. Contact: IGN- Eetaachee Discord- Mr. Hola#6113
  23. Wtb untrained rotom 31 def bold
  24. Is the eevee sold? If not,I can buy. I can even pay 200k
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