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Everything posted by Eetaachee

  1. But when I saw your post,his 1 hr left message was already showing 1hr ago. Hence.
  2. Yeah,if @smokincatcher is on time,I have no problem him being the winner. I just want the rules to be followed.
  3. Yea I reported the post bro,now let's see what they say. I will gladly accept their just decision.
  4. Well,I reported it,as I said,I will let the mod decide.
  5. Well, I have to report this then. Let the mod decide.
  6. Yea,most probably.
  7. Yea I pm you in game as well as discord
  8. Will you shift to gold to give me this? Then I can bid
  9. GG bro. Sad that I can't participate as I am from Gold but glad to have a friend in you.
  10. Discord me @ Mr.Hola#6113
  11. Hmu ig-Eetaachee or discord at Mr.Hola#6113
  12. Sold insta to @Ombro29 ig. Thanks to everyone who participated. See you all again!
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