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Everything posted by Eetaachee

  1. @Sandeepkr2a Flying
  2. co- 400k by Bloodyfella
  3. c.o- 350k by Shravu
  4. C.o.-300k by Bloodyfella
  5. Won at 400k by Bloodyfella Min bid-50k Insta-2m Auction endds 10:30 AM(IST),12th April,2022. Payment Methods: CC-400k Nat RR- 350k IV RR-700k Contact: IGN- Eetaachee Discord- Mr. Hola#6113
  6. Cancel because no offers.
      • 1
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  7. None of the bulbas are 27+ as you mention,what do you want to prove? Misleading. Misleading. Misleading.
  8. Nidoking 300k
  9. sold. can close
  10. Bump
  11. C.O.- 400k by Siiorspro Min bid- 100k Insta- 1.2m Auction ends @ 6:03 pm IST 28-03-22 Payments accepted- CC,MS,Nature and IV RR. Happy Bidding!
  12. WTB epic careful gligar or evo. Preferred defensive and hp ivs would be 25+ and rest 20+. Discord- Mr. Hola#6113
  13. Is the gastro still available?
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