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Everything posted by Eetaachee

  1. Looking for 26+ def stats and hp and rest 20+
  2. 500k volcarona
  3. wtb 75k rotom
  4. 3.4m
  5. wtb aggron 350k
  6. can I buy brave aggron for 300k?
  7. I have these 2,pm me in discord Mr. Hola#6113 if you are interested
  8. I have 31 speed medicham,23 attack,rest IVs decent. If you are interested, I will text you tomorrow. Going to sleep now
  9. I have jolly medicham 31 speed 23 attack. Also a naive 30 speed chimchar over all 18+ which is sp attack. If you are interested,I will hit you up tomorrow when I come on. My discord- Mr. Hola#6113
  11. @Deidara38 you won mate! congratulations!! pm me in game or discord me at Mr. Hola#6113 to make the trade possible.
  12. Bump
  13. c.o. 550k by Eulsys auction ends in 22 hrs 5 mins
  14. c.o.- 500k by Dinhtu123 auction ends in 24 hrs, 35 mins
  15. 450k by Khanhminhne auction ends in 30 hrs
  16. 400k by Nhatxyz
  17. c.o.- 350k by Khanhminhne auction ends in 31 hrs
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