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Everything posted by Taelfan

  1. 6007 snorlax
  2. 5010 snorlax
  3. Fyi : Those 2 mons aren't included as payment, Saruron asked me to do more mons to be EVed
  4. 1 pokedollar
  5. 5 pokedollar
  6. Wont be doing it anytime soon, it really pains me + it needs a lot of time for me since i didn't buy ms or xp boost. Sorry
  7. didn't really have much time to do lvling so decided to stop for a while and decided to just give directly to the guy who requested his mons to be lvled up instead for him waiting for me for years, was so cool about it. Thanks @Mourad
  8. 10005
  9. Hi, Welcome to my service shop. I only sell EV service and Boss Lending service currently. Might do a story service next time. Daycare Service (Temporarily Closed) EV Service Cost • Pokémons below lvl 30 : ₽45k • Pokémons above lvl 30 : ₽40k (Multiple Pokémons might have a chance on a little bit of discount for ₽40k × (Number of mons)% (Only applicable for mons above lvl 30)) For example, A : Gave 5 mons B : Finished EV those mons A : paid ₽40k × 5% = ₽38k × 5 = ₽190k (Discount only limited to 3 - 5%) List of mons i do not accept : • Magikarp • Non HA Ditto Egg Move Tutor Cost (Open) • ₽18k each move Boss Lending service • ₽30k per 12h • ₽50k per 24h Currently have 2 boss teams, which consists of Whimsicott Golduck Skarmory Magnezone Gorebyss Pangoro These mons are not only from Kanto, make sure you already finished Hoenn too I will send you a file which has the information on how to defeat each bosses and what items to put to each mons on discord, make sure to follow the instructions and to read carefully. Update : 1 more team is added You can contact me on Discord : Taelfan or Join Discord Acceptable Payment methods : • Rare Candy = ₽7k • Oran Berry = ₽100 • Master Ball = ₽70k FYI : I won't be able to do the service all the time, I'm also human which means i have something else to do. If you wanna request a Pokémon to be EVed by me, please share the screenshot of the Pokémon details in a certain channel I've prepared on Discord Timezone GMT +7 Thank you!
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