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Everything posted by Hiza

  1. Hiza Gold Gmt +2 currently
  2. Hiza Gold Gmt +1
  3. @Eaty Still waiting on the pvp rewards update that was supposed to be max on January 2022 ...
  4. Hiza Hizas Silver GMT +1 2
  5. Hiza Hizas Gold GMT +1 10
  6. @Eaty The idea is superb! I don't want to add more comments because the idea itself doesn't need words of support. Looking forward to it! Best regards!
  7. Hiza Hizas Gold Gmt +1 8
  8. @Walrosskastanie Is it also possible to add an extra item that swaps 2 ivs with each other? This is to increase the different combination between iv reroll, iv lock, - iv and iv swaper to get desired legendary. You can make it also token purchasable, maybe same price as '-iv' or even more 1000 tokens? This would complete the full pack of legendary reroll items and would also make a good way to spend token. Thank you!
  9. Unbridled has reopened recruitments! Dm Hiza#3993 on discord to join!
  10. Start auction 200k Min raise 50k Instant 500k Time: 24 hours from first bid
  11. Hiza Hizas Gold Gmt +2 21
  12. Hiza Majingo Gold Gmt+2 3rd
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