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Everything posted by Lyn1311

  1. Sure you can. Noted Klefki and Cofagrigus. https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/2920965/auction-klefki-and-cofagrigus
  2. Yes, but since its silver server auction, if you want me to transfer, then there will be transfer fee
  3. Noted https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/2920706/toxicroak-auction
  4. Noted, https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/2920376/hallo-totodile
  5. Noted https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/2920369/altaria-auction
  6. Closed
  7. Hi, 5 Epic and Decent Poke Auction. For each Poke, auction will be ; Start 500k Min bid 100k Time 3 day No Insta Accepted Payment ; Cc 400k Iv rr 700k Rc 7k (max 200) Contact ; Ign lyn1311 Dc lyn1311#6556 Sold 1.3m Sold 700k Sold 500k Sold 500k
  8. Haxorus boss sweeper sold 650k
  9. Smeargle boss sold 440k
  10. I bid 22 min before 48hr time end. Even if time extended 15 min from my bid, it still before 48 hour time ended (before 22.20.01). Theres 22 min diff from our bid lol.
  11. Hm, shouldn't the auction be precise even on the second? 2.1m late 17 second?
  12. Conrats, u win auction 23+ rotom wash with 2m. Please contact me ig or dc. Thnx much
  13. 13 hr left rotom wash
  14. Start torkoal 500k
  15. Price adjusted, update ha bold slowpoke and auction larvitar
  16. .
  17. ^^ Rotom co 2m - 1d 13 hr left Pinsir - not started Weavile - not started
  18. Hallo naive 30/28 Gardevoir sold 6m ingame
  19. camerupt sold ingame 200k
  20. Hi i am looking for this 4 poke, please contact me if you want to sell and want to negotiate about the price xD BISHARP/PAWNIARD Brave - Defiant Low speed ivs, 20+ other ivs, ddnt care spatk (yes brave not ada, i want to try at trick room, better sell to me then piled up on ur pc xp) COFAGRIGUS/YAMASK Quiet - Mummy Low speed ivs, 20+ other ivs, ddnt care atk (HP FIGHTING ONLY!!) SEISMITOAD/PALPITOAD/TYMPOLE Relaxed - Water Absorb Dont care speed iv, other ivs 20+ SHINY MISDREAVUS/MISMAGIUS dont care if it trash
  21. Update Quiet Gardevoir - mega sweeper + setter
  22. Added auction hyper cutter 3131 ada pinsir
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