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Everything posted by Lyn1311

  1. Halloween Trace Ralts sold at 2.2m! Thnx much for icequeen and other for participation. GLHF!
  2. Hi i want to auction this 2 poke, Halloween Pupitar C.o : 6m https://countingdownto.com/?c=3903384 Insta : 7m Min bid : 200k Halloween Ralts - SOLD to Icequeen at 2.2m Time : 3 day after 1st bid (incase timeout, there will be +15 min after last bid) Accepted payment : @Reroll IVs 680k @Nature IVs 340k @CC 400k @RC 8k You can offer here or pm me in game My IGN lyn1311 / My dc lynnn6556 Good Luck and Have Fun!
  3. Searching for Shiny Carvanha with Hidden ability SPEEDBOOST Pay depend on speed after fully trained Speed 245+ (speed nature jolly/ timid/ hasty/ naive with 25+ ivs) 6m Speed 234+ (speed nature jolly/ timid/ hasty/ naive with 15+ ivs) 4m Speed 220-234 (non speed nature with 20+ ivs or speed nature with ivs 15- ) 3m Speed below 220 2m only care speed iv, dont care other ivs Contact me if you have the poke and willing to sell / trade IGN Lyn1311 Discord lynnn#6556
  4. Hi, i like to join guild if there are still slot left, this is my bio, Lyn1311 19 Lynnn#6556 Having fun Trading Just joined PVP this month, so 151 is my highest for now 1 of the best guild i guess Yes
  5. -Closed- Hi i want to auction this spooky bad boy My OT S.o : 3m Insta : 8m Min bid : 200k Time : 3 day after 1st bid (incase timeout, there will be +15 min after last bid) Auction will be canceled if no ones makes offer until 21 Oct. Accepted payment : @Reroll IVs 680k @Nature IVs 340k @CC 400k You can offer here or pm me in game My IGN lyn1311 / My dc lynnn6556 Good Luck and Have Fun! "Because no one start offer, auction is closed"
  6. Hardcore Grinding, 6 days, millions repels. not best but very proud lol
  7. Sure. I bids around 10-15 min before timeout, and if I'm not mistaken, 1m7 bidder bids about 20 minutes after timeout. But i think best wait for mod.
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